The Appropriation cycle (12pm-8pm ). This is when we should eat the majority of our heavy concentrated foods.

Now your body has the energy required to preformed the vital functions concerning the food you eat. INGEST (EAT)  – DIGEST (BREAK DOWN). This is when we should eat the majority of our HEAVY CONCENTRATED FOODS.

Lunch and dinner fall into this cycle.

This is the time when the body is most efficient at digesting and dealing with foods. It’s also the time when we are burning them up the fastest because we’re at our most active. As long as we are eating according the dictates of our appetite, we should be merrily refuelling and burning, refuelling and burning in a fairly steady and comfortable way, which makes for a really comfortable feeling in the body.Eating when one is truly hungry can take a bit of getting used to, but is far more enjoyable than eating just because the clock dictates it’s lunchtime. And it makes so much sense! 

Lunch is the best convenient to have starch meals at lunch as opposed to protein, Do so – Do not make this difficult.

Just make sure you plan your meals using the BASIC PRINCIPLES OF COMBING HEAVIER CONCENTRATED FOOD (protein or starch) with lighter foods, vegetable and /or salad).

Here are the food combining basics:

  • Starches + Veggies = OK
  • Proteins + Veggies = OK
  • Proteins + Starches = No No
  • Plant Proteins + Plant Proteins = OK
  • Animal Proteins + Animal Proteins = No No
  • Starches + Starches = OK
  • Fats + Proteins (animal or plant) = No No (or pair moderately)
  • Fats + Carbohydrates = OK
  • Fats + Starches = OK
  • Fruits are best eaten on an empty stomach
  • Fruit + Raw greens = OK (except melons)

When you “mis-combine” (mix incompatible food groups together at the same meal), two things happen: first, the food does not digest properly and ends up rotting and putrefying in your stomach, and second, because the food isn’t being absorbed properly, you don’t get the nutritional value you need from it.

When you mis-combine your meals by mixing animal protein with, say, carbohydrates high in starch (Maxi Carbs), your stomach begins pouring in both alkaline and acid, and unfortunately they neutralize each other. It’s a stalemate, and since the stomach maintains a 104 degree temperature, what you end up with is sort of an “oven” where the undigested meat and starch begins to ferment, rot and putrefy, causing the undesirable symptoms of gas, flatulence, headaches, bloat, sleepiness, diarrhea, constipation, etc. We’re talking about a real mess, and if it continues over the years, undigested food will begin to pile up and ultimately clog your colon and intestinal tract (your life lines to health).




Promote healthy Throat Chakra!!

Thyroid Thyroid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddhais about speaking one’s truth Obviously, Vishuddhais located at the base of our neck, and affects the proper functioning of our vocal cords and our thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is associated with hormone production that is key to physical growth and maturation. Spiritually, that growth is that of our consciousness and wisdom. The Throat Chakra incites us to live ideally, be surrounded by beauty, expressiveness, through our self-expression and ability to make our feeling and emotions our reality. It is the center of our capacity to community.

To maintain the health of your throat chakra, always be open, receptive, and humble. Having an open throat chakra is not just our ability to express ourselves but to listen to the truths others seek to share with us. For example, an overactive throat chakra might be obvious in our desire to control the consciousness of other peoples lives. A deficient throat chakra is evident if you are overly egotistic or prejudiced, or if you perceive the world as hostile, expecting to be humiliated, used, or judged by others rather than loved and nourished.

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra:

Ways to eat to promote healthy Throat Chakra!!

*Chew food: In the age of fast living, we are doing everything fast, including eating. If we are eating on the run, we may tend to shortcut our eating by gulping and swallowing rather than chewing and assimilating. If we are not chewing our food thoroughly, chances are we won’t be able to digest, absorb, and ultimately, assimilate it into our body. Thus, chewing serves an important function. It is also essential that we put our awareness into eating so we get the most from the experience and do not feel like overeating – chewing slowly helps us to accomplish this. Eating with consciousness keeps us in the moment and allows us to savor the flavor and joy of foods!

*Eat high-quality foods for your highest self: Every day we are bombarded with food choices – how do we know what is best for us? Nutritionists seem to tell us one thing one day and another thing the next. How do we know how to choose foods? The throat chakra is about choice, decisions, and options – but not just any – the throat chakra, being a higher, resonating chakra than some of the other lower chakras, is calling us to make the best choice for ourselves and our planet. Eat foods that serve your body, mind, and spirit, and that serve the realm of nature – the animals, plants, and water. If we are eating meat from chickens kept in unhealthy, stressful conditions, we may take on the ‘energy’ of those chickens – frenetic, chaotic, stressful. If we are eating foods that were grown using natural elements instead of synthetic, such as organically grown foods, we are taking in healthy, higher-vibratory signals for our soul.

English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar20...
English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar2000TM bio-energy sensor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

*Broaden your food horizon: When we cave into food ruts, we let go of our ability to choose and experience. The throat chakra encourages us to be expansive like the overarching sky – to look wider and broader, to explore and discover. One of the ways we can do this is by eating ethnic foods – foods we may not normally eat, whether Thai, Indian, Middle-Eastern, European, or Ethiopian, to name a few. See what happens when you introduce some variety. It exposes you to an abundance of tradition and culture. It broadens not only your food horizon, but helps you to step out of the box of your everyday living!

*Spark alchemy amongst the food elements: On a spiritual level, the throat chakra is about alchemy – transforming the messages of the heart into the language of voice, words, song, poetry. The throat chakra resonates with the alchemy of food elements – bringing together water and earth, fire and water, fire and earth. By eating foods like soups (earth-water elements fused together through fire), we encourage and honor our connection with the elemental nature of foods and our bodies.

Feeding Your Throat Chakra

Speaking One’s Truth

  • Liquids in general: water, fruit juices, herbal teas
  • Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
  • Other tree growing fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc.
  • Spices: salt, lemon grass
Related Article

Exercise, exercise, exercise. We all know the benefits of exercising.

Exercise, exercise, exercise. We all know the benefits of exercising. But if you say you never have time, I tell you—you are never too busy to keep moving. Get up from the couch and just start moving. Any physical activity that gets your feet moving already falls under the category of exercise. Gardening, sweeping the floor, mopping, walking up and down the stairs, walking the dog—these are wonderful ways to be active.

Daily exercise will energize your body in addition to providing many other health benefits. By increasing the circulation of your blood, oxygen is carried to all parts of your body more effectively. This increased blood flow dynamically nourishes and oxygenates your cells, making them (and you) very happy and vibrant! Exercise strengthens and tones your heart and muscles, burn fats and keep you limber and gives you energy and vitality.

There are two basic types of excerise: aerobic and anaerobic.

Aerobic exercises require high oxygen consumption which brings cardiovascular benefits to the heart, crculatrary system and all the tissues and organs of your body. Running, walking, swimming, dancing, bicycling and exercise equipment such as a stairmaster or a stationary bike provide great aerobic benefits

Aerobic exercise  health benefits

  •  Improved circulation and lower blood pressure
  •  Increased lung capacity through stronger respiratory muscles
  • A stronger heart, which boosts pumping efficiency and lowers the resting heart rate
  • Increased red blood cell count, which transports oxygen more efficiently throughout the entire body
  •  Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Anaerobic exercise does not required high oxygen consumption, but will tone the body and increase lean muscle mass, while descreasing body fat. Weight lifting, sprinting and jumping, carrying heavy objects and various forms of physical labor are example of anaerobic exercise.

Anaerobic exercise health benefits

  • Stronger bones
  •  Reduced muscle atrophy with age
  • Increased speed and power
  •  Increased muscle strength and mass

A main difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise are the fuels each uses. Again, anaerobic exercise uses carbs or sugar. Aerobic workouts use some carbs but also lots of fat as fuel.  In fact, the more fit you are the more fat you use during aerobics.  Also, the gentler the activity the more fat you use. As intensity is raised, carbs are increasingly relied on to fuel activity.

For a better looking body with more vibrant and efficient cellular functioning in all your tissues and organs, combine stretching exercise with both aerobic and anaerobic –and be the best you can.

Living/raw food breakfast. A great way to start your day..

Healthy Berries are Good Food for Health
Healthy Berries are Good Food for Health (Photo credit:







It’s a fact that in the morning our digestives system takes just as much time to wake up as the rest of our body does. The best way to gently get it going is by drinking easy-to-digest juices, smoothies ,etc. They’re hydrating and packed with nutrients to replenish vitamins and minerals lost during the night and provide energy without feeling weighed down.




Some of the best raw food recipes for breakfast are green smoothies, fruit salads,granola and chia pudding. Even if you do not eat a strict living/raw food diet, having a breakfast of living/raw foods can do wonders for your health.


Your breakfast choice is crucial to whether or not your body can continue to detoxify or is forced to stop. For example, eggs and bacon will bring a halt to all the body’s hard work after a long night of fasting, but a raw food breakfast such as a fruit smoothie or bowl of chia oatmeal will allow the body to continue to cleanse itself.


Orange, pear, apple
Orange, pear, apple (Photo credit: Joe Lencioni)


A light breakfast of raw foods will also result in higher energy levels throughout the day because of how easy it is to digest. A few of my favorite living/raw food breakfast is fresh juice, fresh frutits, chia pudding or even smoothie, which is predigested by the blender and even easier to digest.




Though we need food for nourishment, we also need food to taste exquisite and be pleasing to the eye. Are not the most memorable meals the ones where every human sense is enticed? Don’t be discouraged if you never been proficient in the kitchen. Balancing flavor, creating texture and beautiful presentation are culinary arts that anyone can master. With living foods, there are countless possibilities within the parameters of not heating them. Sometimes you just have to think outside the box. As you look at these pictures, I hope that you are inspired.


A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in ...
A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Please use only certified Organic Ingredients( if you can) ~Use Discernment~ in Gratitude ~ Peace ~ Love ~ Compassion & *Light*




Breaking your fast during the body’s elimination cycle (4am-12pm).

At the beginning of the day, after sleep, your body is breaking a fast. During the time while you sleep, you are fasting. After waking, the first meal consumed will break the fast. Break-fast should be sensitive to the rest and cleansing that the fast provided to your body. You should not consume anything heavy at this time. Instead, the first thing that you should consume is a glass of water at room temperature with fresh squeeze lemon juice, a period of 15-30 min should be allowed so that the lemon water can do its function. This should be followed by fresh-squeezed/fresh-pressed fruit juice or fresh seasonal fruit. This is what your body needs at this time of day and what is easiest on the digestive system. The juice lubricates your system and allows it to function optimally.

Elimination cycle (4am-12pm).This is the time when your body would like to direct most of its energy to the work of cleansing toxins from your body. To not interrupt this work, light eating is the best choice now , as the best way to break your fast (BREAKFAST). This does not mean a cup of coffee (regular or decaf) and a donut . By light I mean eating the lightest, most perfect food.. Fruit and Fruit Juices  (diluted with  water is best for most) You see, fruits does not diget in your stomach. In fact, fruit goes through the stomach and directly to your small intestines. In this way, there is no diversion of energy from the body’s work of eliminating being used fordigestion of food. You see. when a heavy traditional breakfast is eaten ( eggs, potatoes, grits, bacon, toast, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, french toast, etc), it takes energy away from eliminating  toxins and uses it for digestion of foods just eaten, and proper ELIMINATION IS NEVER ACHIEVED. 


The ideal elimination pattern. Three to five bowel eliminations daily — once upon rising, one after each meal, one before retiring. When this pattern is not the norm ( and for most, it i not), then over time, it can take its tool on the body. Eating fruit and drinking fruit juices in the morning (especially the ripe, juicy ones), can provide an easily absorbed food, high in vitamins and minerals. You have also employed the greatest cleanser for your body, as they help to dissolve the often old accumulation of mucus and waste that is along the intestinal walls ( this include small intestines and colon). For some, eating fruits only  in the morning may take a while to get used to. Do the best you can. Eat the amount of fruit and/or juice to make you comfortably full. If  you feel hungry later in the morning, you can have bananas, granola, bran muffins (made with natural sweeteners), or whole grain toast. Keep in mind your objective is to adjust to ONLY FRUIT AND/OR DILUTED FRUIT JUICES IN THE MORNING.

*Fresh squeezed or pressed fruit and vegetable juices are meals in themselves and one of the quickest and most expedient means of consuming the whole nutrient the body needs. Bottled and canned juices are not fresh. Many of them have been pasteurized (subjected to extreme heat), diluted, reconstituted and/or have additives, artificial colors, artificial flavors and preservatives added. They are completely devoid of the digestive enzymes that are vital to your body needs.

Water is one the most important substance on earth that supports the internal functions of human, animals and plants.

The average adult body loses about three and a half quarts daily in perspiration, respiration, urination and defecation. Body temperature is regulated through water. Water makes up 92% of the blood of the body and nearly 98% of intestinal, gastric, salivary and pancreatic juices. Water holds all nutritive factors in solution and acts as a transportation medium of these substances. Water is necessary for proper digestion of food.

One of the most important functions of water is to flush toxins from the body. The body holds onto water to dilute toxins so the only way to lose water weight is to stop eating the foods that are poisons to the body.Some people are holding up to 15 pounds of weight just in water! This leaves you looking puffy, bloated and swollen. Remember…the solution to pollution is dilution and this is why water and weight loss are so closely connected.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Even mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%. One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied. Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the right amount of water you should every day? Here’s an easy way to figure the proper daily amount. Take your body weight and divide it in two (150lbs. = 75lbs.) then change the pounds toounces, (75lbs. = 75oz.). This is how much water you should drink a day to maintain proper hydration. Be sure to increase your water intake slowly, or you will spend a great deal of time in the bathroom.




Water Affirmation
*Water refreshes and replenishes me.
*Water helps me maintain my good health and vibrant skin.
*I love water.
*I love drinking water.
*I drink enough water each day.


Selenocysteine: The amino acid that signal the amino-acid chains, which will become proteins, to stop growing, releasing the protein to perform its intended function in the body.

Selenocysteine is the analog of cysteine having the same structure as that of cysteine. But here sulphur atom is replaced by selenium. The Health Store Selenocysteine is the 21st amino acid found in the ribosome mediated protein synthesis. It  is  present in several enzymes (for example glutathione peroxidases, tetraiodothyronine 5′ deiodinases, thioredoxin reductases, formate dehydrogenases, glycine reductases, and some hydrogenases).  Selenocysteine has a structure similar to that of cysteine, but with an atom of selenium taking the place of the usual sulfur, forming a selenol group which is deprotonated at physiological pH.  Proteins that contain one or more selenocysteine residues are called selenoproteins. There is no single free pool of selenocysteine amino acid that exists within cells to be used

Selenocysteine is the protein, or food form, of the antioxidant selenium, and it is used in almost every cell process in the body. It is one of the only amino acids that is not directly coded into the genetic code, and no free pool of selenocysteine exists within cells to be used. This means that it is an essential amino acid and must be absorbed by cells and obtained through foods to maintain proper levels in the body. The body uses the selenocysteine amino acid to produce selenium. It is believed that this may protect against mercury toxicity, and people with low levels of selenium in their body may be more prone to poor liver function, low muscle mass, premature aging, and even heart disease.

Selenocysteine is created after the digestive system breaks proteins from the diet into its individual amino acids. Selenocysteine is a genetically coded amino acid, serving as a stop codon. Stop codons signal amino-acid chains, which will become proteins, to stop growing, releasing the protein to perform its intended function in the body.  Selenoproteins are formed when the amino acid selenocysteine — often called the 21st amino acid — combines with selenium from the diet in a very specific spot in the amino-acid chain.

Functions and benefits Selenocysteine

  • The important functions of selenocysteine in proteins are its anti –oxidant activity. This is due to its lower pKa and higher reduction potential.
  • It is also used in the preparation of variety of vitamins and lots of other supplements.
  • It is also fortified with livestock feeds.
  • Our body utilizes selenocysteine to form selenium, which is believe to play important role in preventing mercury toxicity as well as enhance liver functions.
  • Selenocysteine is not directly incorporated into other proteins. It provides its function on its own. For this reason it is highly reactive and not used in the same way as the body uses other amino acids.
  •  In some cases a marked decrease in catalytic activity of an enzyme is observed when a selenocysteine residue is replaced with cysteine. This substitution caused complete loss of glycine reductase selenoprotein A activity.
  • Selenocysteine is the 21st naturally occuring amino acid, and is coded for by the RNA codon UGA, which is normally a “stop” signal, but is modified in some organisms to create selenocysteine by a subsequent RNA loop, which is interpreted by a group of genes called the sel group, which are activated by the loop in the mRNA and produce molecule of tRNA for selenocysteine.

Selenocysteine deficiency 

  • People deficient with selenium have lean body mass, prone to premature aging.
  • Weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to illness, as well as lead to heart disease or hypothyroidism.

Selenium trace mineral powerful anti-oxidant prevents hemoglobin oxidation.  Synergistically vitamin E together maintain healthy heart liver add zinc relief enlarged prostate cancer prevention.

Rich food sources of  Selenocysteine

  • Animal origin: Selenocysteine animal sources are meat, poultry, chicken, egg, cheese fish, seafood and turkey.
  • Plant origin: Selenocysteine of plant origin contains wheat, oats, corn, rice, nuts especially of Brazil nuts, soybeans.
  •  Selenocysteine is an organic selenium compound found naturally in some plants such as garlic, onions, broccoli and wild leeks grown in high selenium soil.

Carnosine: The amino acid that is an antioxidant that is purported to support cellular rejuvenation and healthy aging.

Carnosine is a non-essential amino acid and is a combination of two other amino acids – alanine and histidine. It is found naturally in tissues like the muscles and brain, but its concentration in the body lowers with advancing age. Carnosine is an antioxidant and protects the cells in the body from free radical damage.  Carnosine  was discovered by Russian chemist V.Gulevich  Researchers in Britain, South Korea, Russia and other countries have shown that carnosine has a number of antioxidant properties that may be beneficial.

Carnosine has been proven to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes formed from peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids during oxidative stress. Carnosine is a potent antioxidant which protects the body against free radical damage, by stopping the damaging effects of the free radicals before they can cause any ill health effects, such as heart disease and cancer.  Carnosine gives the immune system a big boost and strengthens the cells, making them less likely to get infected. Carnosine combines with heavy metals and it also combines with toxic by-products of metabolism and eliminates them safely from the body without doing further damage.

Many studies have shown that carnosine has a very protective effect on the heart, by ensuring that it stays healthy and free from disease.A recent study has found that carnosine (or its constituent amino acids beta-alanine and -histidine) may prevent atherosclerosis which is endemic in many diabetes patients. The study showed that carnosine prevented LDL (“bad”) cholesterol build-up in the arteries of the diabetic patients which is the prime factor
for developing atherosclerosis

Carnosine benefits and functions

  • Carnosine is an antioxidant and protects against free radicals. As an antioxidant and cell protector it speeds up cell replacement. By speeding cell replacement and providing much needed antioxidants to the body.
  • Carnosine chelates metals in the body
  • Carnosine has a protective effect on the heart
  • Carnosine may prevent diabetes-induced atherosclerosis
  • Carnosine protects against diabetic kidney disease
  • Carnosine is effective at reducing cataracts
  • Provides an effective cure for ulcer when combined with zinc
  • A recent study has determined that carnosine can enhance frontal lobe function or be neuroprotective, with possible anticonvulsive effects. The study followed 31 children with autism, to determine if carnosine supplement had any effect on behaviour. The outcome showed that the children did display significant improvements in behaviour according to various autism rating scales.
  • Carnosine has shown significant improvement in the following conditions: aging, cell stem production, memory, ADHD, autism, skin care, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, bone health, arthritis, muscular condition, and may increase life span.
  • Carnosine may enhance the skin complexion keeping it fresher and younger looking. This is an anti-aging amino acid, again, an attribute often applied to bee products and royal jelly. As an amino acid, it may help improve hair and nail condition.
  • It is a catalyst to other nutrients, improves blood flow, and has been shown to stall and possibly prevent asthma, migraine and septic shock.
  • It may help boost memory and aid in fighting Alzheimer’s, protect the body from harsh cancer treatments, bind itself to harmful metal compounds and deactivate them, and protect the body’s cells from harmful free radicals.
Symptoms of carnosine deficiency

Carnosine deficiency normally does not occur in healthy people. In general, carnosine deficiency can occur when a person has a genetic defect that prevents normal transport and synthesis of carnitine. In addition to
this, certain people can be predisposed to a carnosine deficiency:

  • People on low protein diets
  • People who are malnutrition-ed or starving

Symptoms of carnosine deficiency include:

  • Decreased muscle tone
  • Developmental delays (in infants and children)
  • Mental retardation (in infants and children)
  • Nervous tissue degradation
  • Tremors

Food Sources

  • Carnosine is very abundant in protein-rich foods. Some common examples of such foods include milks, eggs and cheese. However, the best food sources of carnosine include beef, poultry and pork products.
  • People who want to increase their carnosine consumption should focus on eating more food from these categories.
  • Some protein-rich vegetarian sources  foods also supply alanine and histidine  which include avocado, beans,  bran, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, corn, legumes, mushrooms(white, raw), nuts, seeds, watercress, whole grains and sea vegetable like  spirulina and laver
Many of us these days understand the importance of regular exercise, but as we age, recovery from strenuous exercise becomes more difficult. Aside from the many remarkable abilities of  Carnosine, it is used and recognized in the fitness industry for speeding up cell recovery and boosting muscle repair. The exertion placed on our bodies through extensive work out regimens quickly uses up necessary nutrients that our body naturally produce. In regard to this it is necessary that we keep levels up through supplementation.

Sugilite : Known as “The Healer’s Stone”, Sugilite is said to enhance one’s healing and psychic abilities.

Sugilite :: Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's M...

Sugilite :: Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's M...

Sugilite is a rare potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminium silicate mineral with a hardness of 6 to 6.5.   Its form is usually massive, and its colour ranges from pale lilac to deep purple.  Although Sugilite has been found in Japan and Canada, most comes from deep manganese mines in South Africa.

Sugilite was first described in 1944 by the Japanese petrologist Ken-ichi Sugi (1901–1948) for an occurrence on Iwagi Islet, Japan, where it is found in an aegirine syenite intrusive stock. It is found in a similar environment at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. In the Wessels mine in northern Cape Province of South Africa, sugilite is mined from a strata-bound manganese deposit. It is also reported from Liguria and Tuscany, Italy; New South Wales, Australia; and Madhya Pradesh, India.

Sugilite :: Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's M...
Sugilite :: Locality: Wessels Mine (Wessel's Mine), Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, Northern Cape Province, South Africa (Locality at :: A very colorful specimen chock-full of microcrystals of sugilite which are just eye-visible, and form a rich carpet through several veins and vugs. 4.5 x 3 x 2 cm Deutsch: Sugilit :: Fundort: Wessels Mine (Wessel's Mine), Hotazel, Kalahari manganese fields, Nordkap , Südafrika (Fundort bei (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sugilite is known as one of the love stones of the earth. A natural facilitator of
physical and emotional healing it also dispels negativity and anger, creating
harmony and opening one to spiritual energy and growth.  Sugilite can help you answer the great questions such as “Why am I here?“, “Who am I?”, “Where did I come from?”, and “What do I need to understand to evolve my soul?” It is a very spiritual stone that will help keep the soul safe from  shocks, disappointment and trauma.

Sugilite is a major spiritual stone, promoting individual as well as universal love. Sugilite is said to help with understanding the “big questions” in life. Especially helpful for those who feel alienated and alone, Sugilite helps the user to understand the purpose for their existence.  Known as “The Healer’s Stone”, Sugilite is said to enhance one’s healing and psychic abilities. Sugilite is also believed by some to lessen learning disabilities like dyslexia, and to help with more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and autism.

Sugilite balances and heals all the chakras and the bodily areas associated with them, which in turn, allows for the free movement of kundalini energy please use with caution.

This crystal will open the third eye chakra, crown chakra, soul star chakra… then right up to and including the fourteenth etheric chakra. The crown chakra is located above the top of the head and is the top chakra of the body. As you become more spiritually advanced, the growth of psychic powers and especially channeling abilities are aided by Sugilite stones.

Gemstones: Sugilite 2
Gemstones: Sugilite 2 (Photo credit: the justified sinner)

 Healing Properties

  • Sugilite is a balancer of the mind, body and spirit. It encourages peace of mind and a general feeling of spiritual love, and well being.
  • It is also told to protect against as well as dissipate anger and other negative energies whether from oneself or others.
  • Sugilite is said to strengthen the heart, aid in physical healing and reducing stress.
  • Sugilite is so full of energy that it never needs to be charged, but it must be discharged one a month amongst pieces of tumbled hematite stone.
  • Sugilite will help one to become more loving and able to communicate in a loving fashion.
  • It is and important healer’s stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, emotional blocks.

To boost this stone’s healing qualities, combine it with Seraphinite and/or Stichtite. If you combine it with Amethyst Crystals… which is also a quite potent crown chakra and third eye chakra stone… it will strengthen the level of protection offered. This combination is also efficient at aiding you to overcome addictions. If you are working on developing your channeling abilities, other stones for this purpose that you might like to combine with it are Shattuckite, Ajoite, Blue Hemimorphite, Yttrium Fluorite and Super Seven.

Sugilith (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Metaphysical Properties

  • Sugilite helps in understanding negative circumstance by showing one what is happening, and how it is out of balance. Excellent tool for mediation exercises to bring the mind and spirit back into attunement.
  • Sugilite assists in connecting the physical to the spiritual, it aids in understanding the spiritual reasons for the lessons we encounter, as well as bringing loving comfort from the Universe to accept the lessons for what they truly are. This gemstone will help us to follow our dreams and to become our higher selves. It enhances belief in ourselves, and negates feelings of lack, anger, pain, and other unwanted energies.
  • Sugilite opens the mind and subconscious to higher influences. It is a very powerful channeling stone, and will aid in using one’s psychic powers.
  • The vibrational energies of sugilite are best utilized by wearing small stones in jewelry. this give a constant flow of the stones magical qualities directly into the aura. However if you are not greatly interested in spiritual goals, you may wish to bypass this stone all together, as it is quite powerful.
Deutsch: Sugilith - Silikat-Mineral aus Südafr...
Deutsch: Sugilith - Silikat-Mineral aus Südafrika English: Sugilite - Silicon-mineral from Southafrica (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wearing Sugilite jewelry is an excellent way to keep this stone on your body, but if you are unable to do this, get either a rough Sugilite stone or tumblestone instead. This violet crystal has the ability to aid you to improve your health, and is highly protective. Overall it is one stone that is a must-have within your collection.
Affirmation: I am safe and protected within my own ‘bubble of light’, and I work to bring to reality my deepest dreams, as well as the collective dream of a planet of light

Celestite (Celestine ) : The stone that help you connect with your guardian angel!

Celestine or celestite (SrSO4) is a mineral consisting of strontium sulfate. The mineral is named for its occasional delicate blue color. Celestine is the principal source of the element strontium, commonly used in fireworks and in various metal alloys.  Celestine occurs as crystals, and also in compact massive and fibrous forms. It is mostly found in sedimentary rocks, often associated with the minerals gypsum, anhydrite, and halite.The mineral is found worldwide, usually in small quantities.  Pale blue crystal specimens are found in Madagascar. The bodies of the protozoan Acantharea are made of celestine, unlike those of other radiolarians which are made of silica.In carbonate marine sediments, burial dissolution is a recognised mechanism of celestine precipitation.

Deutsch: Coelestin aus Madagaskar English: Cel...
Deutsch: Coelestin aus Madagaskar English: Celestine from Madagascar (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Celestine crystals are found in some geodes. The world’s largest known geode, a celestine geode 35 feet (10.7 m) in diameter at its widest point, is located near the village of Put-in-Bay, Ohio, on South Bass Island in Lake Erie. The geode has been converted into a viewing cave, Crystal Cave, with the crystals which once composed the floor of the geode removed. The geode has celestine crystals as wide as 18 inches (46 cm) across, estimated to weigh up to 300 pounds (135 kg) each.

Celestite, or other name is celestine, is derived from the Latin word meaning “heavenly”. This stone was believed to be passed among family and friends in order to ward of evil. Both the Greek and the Roman cultures would pass this stone along to those who needed celestite for driving evil out of a person’s body. It’s mineral content has been used for centuries in firework and flares Celestite is said to have come from the star group called the Pleiades. It is supposed to hold the wisdom of the ages and to promote truth. When one holds a piece of celestite no lies may be told or the listener will know immediately that what was said is untrue.

Celestite is said to have come from the star group called the Pleiades. It is supposed to hold the wisdom of the ages and to promote truth. When one holds a piece of celestite. This is one of the most powerful stones there is. Celestite has many abilities, one of which is its proficiency at balancing the male/female energy within the physical body as well as balancing all the energy fields – the auric energy and the life force energy or Gods’ energy. It brings you into attunement with very high powers of rationality. In other words, it brings rational thought to any situation. This stone is excellent for any type of mental activities, such as study work. It clears, balances and attunes all the chakras.








  • As dreams are tools to the subconscious uses to help the physical and the conscious heal and evolve, Celestite stone will enhance the process through more lucid dreaming, keeping dream records and as a communication channel between the two realms.
  • Celestite is an extremely popular tool for use in communication with angelic and other spirit guides. This is a crystal that will instantly lift you above the mundane, once it has caught your eye
  • Mediation with celestite will open a clear channel of communication, allowing one to tap into the perfect power of the universe’s total love.
  • It will teach you the peaceful trust in acknowledging and accepting that each of us is part of the Divine Plan, and that it is the ebb and flow of ones life which propels you to where you need to be.
Celestine-Fluorite-j08-04a (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Healing Properties
  • Celestite is known to ease stress in the physical body and is useful in preventing diseases brought on by worry.
  • Celestite has been used to improve eyesight and hearing, and to promote eloquence.
  • One might ease the pain of a sore throat by placing the crystal on the afflicted area.
  •  It is also believed to aid with the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as to relieve digestive problems and eliminate toxins from the physical form.
  • Celestite should be cleanse in a bowl of tumbled hematites, if it has points, the points must be positioned so that the points always point towards the sky.
  • Celestite crystals will only need recharging occasionally, which should be done briefly in the sun. Be careful not to leave your stone too long in the sun, as it may cause discoloration of the celestite.
  • Celestite is an excellent healing stone for the eyes, ears and mental disfunction.
  •  It eliminates toxins and is also good for digestive problems. In healing, it has the ability to replace pain with loving angelic light.
  • It attracts luck, reveals truth, brings balance, and within this stone one can discover the energy of peace.
  • As all light blue stones, celestine opens and purifies the throat chakra.
  •  It is a creative stone with calming, soothing functioning. It sharpens and focuses the mind, disperses worries and calms the mental chaos.
Celestine (677)1
Celestine (677)1 (Photo credit: Tjflex2)
Celestite is a crystal that has many gifts to give you. How you use it is up to you. If you simply wish to place one of the lovely blue clusters in the room where you spend most of your time… which may be the bedroom, this will benefit you. Enjoy its lovely energy and feel love and gratitude for the many gifts it will bring into your life from its special vibration.