Amen-Ra Papyrus: The Art of Love and Science of Loving – Return of the Goddess Pt.1


The Quest to Life, Love and Law

The mystical gift of Life and Love was presented to All to be fully enjoyed in any harmonious manner ever possible and imaginable. The powerful and magnetic force that binds All and

everything together is Love. The fullness of Love and Loving is hidden far beyond the veils of Life and Living. Yet, Love and Life, Loving and Living are inconceivable intertwined by Laws of Divine Nature. Thus Living the Life we Love can be fully realised by surrendering one’s Being deeper into the mysteries of Trusting and Loving the Laws of the Nature of Love.

The Laws of Nature are fully complete, immutable, yet constantly changing the cause of Life and Love because they are Life and Love Divine. Beloved! Life is Love and Love is an unshakable Law of the Divine Supreme, the One, the All, the Source, the Force…including You! Visualise and comprehend this Truth.

I, You and Many have a quest and continue to request for answers to their unending and unanswered questions: What is Love and why does It hurts so much? Who’s got the Love I really need and how best can I Love without getting hurt? Why does It feel like it is too good to be true to be in Love [actually we say Fall in Love]? What will happen if I loose my object of Love and will I cope with Life without It?

All these are very simple questions, yet mind boggling to those ill-prepared to fully embrace Nature’s Law, Love and Life [3L’s]. The hurt, loneliness and disappointments are our wake-up calls.

Mystical Journey of Self-Discovery

Now let us first reveal some of the Truths while exposing the lie we tell ourselves and at times believe. At this point, You, however need to be prepared to take a long, a very Long Journey. It is the Journey to be lived with courage, fearlessness and freedom to choose wisely, as Our Ancient Afrikan Love Priestesses and Pure Pleasure Goddesses lived, experienced and taught the Secrets of the Journey to Us.

In choosing to accept these natural principles, one need to be holistically [Body, Mind, Soul] prepared, to live even Beyond the Timeless Secrets of Divine and Conscious Relating. We should be prepared to dwell in Spirit and shed the darkness and opinions of the uninformed minds and our immature sensual perceptions. A pure mind and pristine feeling should complement our intuitive Self, and that takes some time, but does worth the patience. That which is Divine and Fulfilling surely cannot be attained overnight. The Secrets of Fulfillment and Living Live to the Full takes practice, failure, hot tears, heartaches, learning, endurance, joy, peace and perfection.

The Jewel is not at the end of the tunnel, but engraved on the Path itself. The Journey is paved with precious stones. The question is: Are You ready to walk the Higher Path of Fulfillment as Courageous Warrioress, a Conscious Divine Feminine focused on reclaiming Her Fullness? Deeper in the mysteries of this journey we find peace beyond pain and hurting. Meditate and ponder on the above issues for and while and see.


© Ǻ Aunkh Khem S-Maã – 12/12/2008

HetHeru Full-Moon

Raw Honey Cures Herpes

jar of honey

The following article is very exciting and important to me as a physician who treats all kinds of cases, but one of the most frustrating to me and my patients is the very common problem of herpes, or cold sores, fever blisters, etc that is plaguing modern society. Some have estimated that up to 70% of American adults have some form of herpes infection and that it is regularly passed on to others, usually loved ones. Herpes has broken up marriages, prevented marriages, interfered with relationships, caused suspicion and finger pointing, ruined lives, engendered guilt,  caused suffering and social isolation. All due to a nasty little virus that seems to pop out at the worst of times, sometimes in a prominent part of the body, like the lips, or in private intimate areas, like the genitals. One sore can last for weeks at a time and the frequency of outbreaks can be astonishing. Prescription drugs may work a little bit, but do not prevent outbreaks reliably or prevent spread to others; condoms don’t work either. Although the nutritional profile of a herpes outbreak can be complex, generally an outbreak signals a severe calcium deficiency due to the calcium poor diets of most Americans who do not consume raw milk. Below is an article that informs us of the wonders of raw medicinal grade honey (manuka) in the healing of herpes sore compared to prescription drugs. The honey won.

Honey Works Better than Drugs for Herpes!

Posted By Dr. Mercola

Mainstream physicians usually prescribe Acyclovir ointment or other topical medications to treat herpes outbreaks. But new research shows that nature has a better solution.This remedy works faster than any of the mainstream treatments, and with fewer side effects.

Honey has long been regarded as one of the best natural wound healers and infection fighters. When a researcher treated patients with Acyclovir for one herpes outbreak and honey for another, overall healing time with honey was 43 percent better than with Acyclovir for sores on the lips and 59 percent better for genital sores.
According to Nutrition and Healing:

“None of the volunteers experienced any side effects with repeated applications of honey, although three patients developed local itching with the Acyclovir.”

Herpes can be broken down into two primary infections: 

  1. Herpes simplex (oral and/or genital herpes)
  2. Herpes zoster (also known as shingles; a reactivation infection of the chickenpox virus)

In this case, the type of herpes in question is the genital type of herpes simplex. This study is a perfect example of nature’s capacity to provide answers for just about any physical ailment as genital herpes can be notoriously painful and difficult to treat.

Treating Herpes with Honey

Sixteen adult subjects with a history of recurrent labial and genital herpes attacks used honey to treat one attack, and a commonly prescribed antiviral drug, acyclovir cream, during another. (It’s important to realize that neither the drug nor the honey will actually cure genital herpes. They only treat the symptoms.)
Interestingly, honey provided significantly better treatment results.
For labial herpes, the mean healing time was 43 percent better, and for genital herpes, 59 percent better than acyclovir.
Pain and crusting was also significantly reduced with the honey, compared to the drug. Two cases of labial herpes and one case of genital herpes remitted completely with the honey treatment, whereas none remitted while using acyclovir.
The best way to use this treatment is to first make sure that you have RAW honey as it will work far better than regular processed honey. My preference is Manuka honey. Make sure you find one that is a semifluid. All you need to do is apply some of the honey directly to the open sore. Apply at least four times a day, but more would likely be better as the goal is to keep it constantly bathed in the honey.
As for side effects, three of the subjects developed local itching with acyclovir, whereas no side effects were observed even with repeated application of the honey.
The researchers concluded that “topical honey application is safe and effective in the management of the signs and symptoms of recurrent lesions from labial and genital herpes.”

What You Need to Know About Honey

Honey — which was a conventional therapy for infection up until the early 20th century when penicillin took center stage — has recently started inching its way back into the medical mainstream, but it’s important to realize that not all honey is created equal.
Some kinds of honey should never be applied to an open sore or wound, and the antibacterial activity in some honeys is 100 times more powerful than in others.

Processed, refined honey that you typically find in grocery stores is NOT appropriate for use in wound care. In fact, your average domestic “Grade A” type honey will likely increase infection.
It also will not offer you the same health benefits as raw honey when consumed.
Manuka honey from New Zealand is a specific type of honey that has actually been approved for use as a medical device, due to its healing properties and superior potency. But you could also use raw honey – it’s just not as potent as Manuka.

Good quality honey offers several topical wound-care benefits that can explain some of its success as a remedy for herpes sores:

  • It draws fluid away from your wound
  • The high sugar content suppresses microorganism growth
  • Worker bees secrete an enzyme (glucose oxidase) into the nectar, which then releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide when the honey makes contact with your wound

Clinical trials have found that Manuka honey, made with pollen gathered from the flowers of the Manuka bush (a medicinal plant), can effectively eradicate more than 250 clinical strains of bacteria, including resistant varieties such as:

  • MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
  • MSSA (methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus)
  • VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
  • Helicobacter Pylori (which can cause stomach ulcers)

With the increasing threat of antibiotic-resistant infections and drug over-use, the return to honey as a natural, multi-purpose healing therapy is certainly a welcome alternative.

Other Natural Therapies for Herpes Infections

Aside from honey, here are a few other remedies that have also been found effective in treating herpes infections:

  • Lysine (an essential amino acid)
  • Proline (an essential amino acid) ~Added to original article by Bliss Returned~ It works.
  • Vitamin C
  • Aloe Vera
  • Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
  • Resveratrol (a very potent antioxidant from grape seed)
  • Garlic
  • Lactoferrin (a potent antimicrobial protein found in colostrum)

In addition to these remedies, which all tend to work, in my experience the two approaches that work the very best are:

  1. Homeopathic herpes simplex formula –– I’ve found these homeopathic formulas to be rprisingly effective. They’re also non-toxic so they’re very safe, with virtually no side effects.
  2. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – This is a form of psychological acupuncture without needles. By tapping on different acupuncture meridians, you can energetically resolve the emotional precedent that caused your immune system to weaken, allowing the infection to take hold. Once you get at the emotional root, your immune system tends to get reactivated, along with a number of genes that can help to resolve and heal your physical condition.

Last but not least, there’s some evidence suggesting that high doses of vitamin D can help resolve herpes infection, although I do not have personal experience with this treatment. But there have reportedly been a large number of successes with people using up to 50,000 units once a day for three days.
It would be particularly effective if you have not been taking vitamin D regularly and have not had frequent exposure to the sun.
If you’ve had your vitamin D levels tested and are within the therapeutic level, then clearly you don’t want to use this approach as you may overdose on vitamin D. However, more than likely, if you had optimal vitamin D levels you probably wouldn’t have gotten the infection in the first place.
We know vitamin D works for flu’s, coughs and colds, and appears to work for most all the typical types of viral infections – even infections like herpes.

The Ladies Guide To Dating And Male Interaction: 10 Rules

Relax love ain’t going nowhere.

1. You will lessen your chances to attract and keep a man if you run after men all the time. Ok ladies, yea i know he’s fine..probably super fine. I get that. But give that man some space. Always remember the line from back in the day: If it’s for you it isn’t going anywhere. I’m here to reiterate that to you. There’s a better way than wishing things will blossom with a man by telling him how much you are thinking about him repeatedly, or telling him all your business thinking that you two will form a bond that way. NO NO NO. As a woman who has been on some dates in my lifetime and spoken with hundreds of woman and studied relationships over all. I’m here to tell you personally from a man’s perspective MEN WANT TO BE THE MAN. You gotta allow a man to pursue you. Most men are that way, at least that’s what they tell me. So ladies, put your energy into being receptive to a man getting to know you. Relax and enjoy the process of slow movement. Yes, you can still call the shots overall..Because i’m not talking about having sex with a man to be receptive to him, while you’re getting to know him. Honestly..we will speak more on that one in a few minutes.

You are where it’s at!

2. Your chances of landing a solid, healthy relationship will drop to almost 1% if you are needy and don’t want to be alone. I’ll say it again. Yes the man is shole nuff fine. However it is you I’m concerned about here. Think about your life this way, you were born alone. You should learn the magic art of being happy and content right now. Sure it is easy to do when you have a healthy support system in place. The important thing to know is that, NO man comes along to be your support system. You alone have to learn the art of making that a reality for yourself. Everyone isn’t cut out to be a counselor, coach or consultant. So why would you expect a stranger to provide such services to you, out of the clear blue sky and on top of that…FREE. No honey. I feel you but you have to enjoy the skin you’re in. Think about some of the things you enjoy doing and visualize the joy of doing them with yourself. The world will be much brighter once you take your time and smile about what you have access to. YOU HAVE IT ALL. Look at you:-). Think of it this way, how will a man want to spend time with you, if you don’t want to do the same. There is something magical that happens..i’m here to tell you personally! When you get into what you enjoy, even if it involves helping others in someway..thats even better! The universe shifts to bring you the people who match your frequency energetically. i’m not playing. Work it out and give it a shot. You owe it to you to enjoy life even more. And don’t think about a relationship like that, because your date is waiting for your vibration to raise up and then like a magician, he will certainly show his face.

Slow down, Enjoy.

3. Trust me when i say: Men enjoy a challenge. If you give everything on the first date: is there really an incentive for a man to stay around and get to know more about you? Probably not. Right. So here’s the deal. There are so many other things you and your fine date can get into to with your clothes on. Also it is better to keep all your deep childhood history and past relationship details to yourself. Studies show that a conversation about past relationships and sex both have damaging effects on a future potential relationship between two people. Why is that? Hmm i would say it’s because man want women who are light and joyful. If you share a story where you experience the entire misfortune in your head and you allow him to experience your thoughts and feelings about too much of your life too soon. He may not call back. You want to keep life simple and move on from the past before you decide to move into the hot land of relationships. I’m here to tell you. This will save you so much time and frustration in the future. Take your time. Rock his world with mystery not the heavy baggage.

Real recognizes real.

4. Learn to be yourself, don’t fake it. The truth will always come out. Whoever you there is someone out there just for you. Sure it might be cute to act like you are someone you are not. The question is, how long will you be able to keep that up. Over time everyone lets their masks fall and people will always know more of what is there. Karma is something. Just be you. If you don’t like who you are. Change it up. Elevate, Get creative and mix it up. We all have work to do. Keep it real and everything will be right!

There are other men out there.

5. Never compromise your standards just to have an attractive man on your tip. You know what I’m talking about. He looks good, smells like paradise but he has no values, no game plan and he wears his draws down to his knees . He told you he was not ever getting married. He said he wants to be single for life. HA! OK. So that’s not your ideal man. You knew it when he started breaking it down to you at lunch or on the corner. You aren’t that damn lonely. This is why its important to learn to love yourself. If you aren’t joyful about your life and who you are. You may fall for anything. You are way too smart to waste your life on people undeserving of your time. The next time you see something or someone who doesn’t fall in line with your Values (if you don’t have some, get some) my advice: KEEP IT MOVING BLISSFULLY…HONEY you don’t have time for that!

Be honest.

6. Listen to your heart..the inner wisdom..if something doesn’t feel right its a good idea to talk about it or move on from it. Here is a good example: You are on a date with a sexy man. He’s charming, sweet and opening up to you. everything goes well until (OH NO HE DIDN’T)… OH YES HE DID: He reaches down and grabs your behind. It’s the first date. You are looking like? ‘Uh i’m not feeling that.’ At that point you have a couple of choices on how to deal with it. First of all, stay calm. There’s no need to act up. Let’s not put too much energy into this. Instead, feel your inner wisdom and if you know whatever this man did is outside of your (VALUES) then you can say peace..thank you for the nice time and say i have to go now, and talk to him later about it or never again. Its best not to get into it while on the date as it will leave a staleness in the air. When the date is over you can politely tell him If you are planning on going out with him..let him know who you are and what your values are. Keep it brief. If he wants to really get to know you. He will totally understand. And if he doesn’t its just the opposite and that’s quite alright too. You have absolutely nothing to lose but foolishness. So smile and be proud of yourself for whatever decision you make. You will be glad you did. You know it too.

Is he into you?

7. If men don’t call you, they are just not interested! I’ve been there, you’ve been there. Waiting by the phone for a phone call. Excuse me, i know some of you haven’t had that experience since home phones were hot. There are so many reasons to call you right? RIGHT! so if you hear a man telling you all this sweet stuff. But, he never gets around to calling you, EVER. He’s not that into you. Period. There is no other way to interpret this thing. We all know it takes communication of some sort to get to know someone on any level. We all can agree that relationships don’t just happen by accident. They certainly don’t. So if he is across the world, there is a way to contact you, If he is working late, he can call you, if its been a month and he hasn’t called… fill in the blank again with the same words (he’s not that into you) If you think you should chase a man down to get his attention. Uhh please re-read the rules from the top down. If you don’t trust this. Just try it and find out. Better yet. Just take my word for it and call it a day. Go do your toes or watch a movie. But don’t sit around waiting in vain. If you are just friends that all it is.

You set the pace

8. Men like to take their time too, even though it may not seem like it to you. Some women move too fast for even men. I’m talking about men that want to be in a relationship or married with a family one day. Back to the loose women, Yeah i know we’re not talking about you here. However some women have this idea of covering up the pain they have inside by repeating their mistakes over and over with men who either don’t want them in any other way but sexually or they throw themselves at men that are already spoken for. You deserve better and they deserve better. If only you knew how Karma works is all I’ll say. Sistahs it’s not worth it. He damn sure ain’t worth it. And the entire situation is a waste of energy to top it all. Nothing good can ever come of it. There are men who say they want to take their time. Some men have told me that women never make them wait for even 6 months before they sleep with them. They even said they would love to have a woman who would make them wait. Of course that’s some men. But trust me ladies its more men that want us to make them wait than the other way around. And women don’t know the power they have. If you have read all the rules until this point you know the ball is in your court. All I’ll say here is get some values my sistahs. Enjoy the little things. It’s not too late to make a change either.

Law of Attraction and you.

9. You attract men on the same vibration that you are on. Don’t be mad at this one simply change you and you will see a whole new model in your life of friends and of course in the men you attract. This one is a no-brainer..its all about the Law of Attraction. It’s not personal. When you learn to love you, the world will too.

Allow room for growth to take place.

10. Don’t Expect a man to change unless you want him to resent you. Bossing a man around is not the way into his heart. That’s right. Last time i checked, resentment was not one of the elements of a happy healthy relationship. If you want to build a solid relationship with your potential lover, you have to allow him to make mistakes and allow him to learn from them. We as woman are allowed that luxury so we owe it to the men to give them the same love and respect. We are all on earth to learn the lessons of life. Most people had a personality and a life before they ever met us. We have to remember that and celebrate who they are. Of course foolishness and unhealthy behavior should be talked about but choose your talks wisely. You don’t want to create a problem where there is none. And some comments/ perceptions/ observations should be reflected (within us) before they should be considered conversation worthy. Sometimes we as women feel we should protect our interests in every possible way so no one can take advantage of us. This is why sometimes some women make a fuss when there is none. In-fact the only issue sometimes is the thoughts. Learn to visualize peaceful things and love. See your mate healed and being all that you know they are holistically. Your visualizations will help to bring out the good in them. Use your powerful imagination ladies to bring about change in you and in your families. Indeed our greatest strength is within.

Ovarian Kung Ku, Kegals and Jade Eggs

Ovarian Kung Fu

The Other Exercise

Kegels are a type of exercise women can do to strengthen the vaginal muscles. This type of exercise is: a foundational component of the healing tao system. Kung-fu and wushu are terms that have been borrowedinto English to refer to Chinese martial arts. However, the Chinese terms kung fu and wushu purportedly cultivates, conserves, and transforms sexual energy through the Microcosmic Orbit, an alleged major energy channel. Wǔshù literally means “martial art“. It is formed from the two words 武術: 武 (wǔ), meaning “martial” or “military” and 術 (shù), which translates into “discipline”, “skill” or “method.” Ovarian Kung fu does wonders for strengthening the pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor improves the urethra and anal sphincter function.



Reasons to tighten and tone the vagina

Some reasons include childbirth, aging and being overweight. These three factors often result in the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Kegels are healthy to practice and are recommended for women with urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence. Success with Kegel exercises is dependent on technique and regular use. The difference between kegels and Ovarian Kung Fu is that there is an emphasis on energy cultivation and circulation throughout the body and to the 5 organ systems.

Benefits of Jade Egg Workouts

Women everywhere say Ovarian Kung Fu instantly improved their overall balance. In some women menopause, can leave women with uncomfortable vaginal dryness which Jade egg kegels improve by toning the vaginal walls, balancing the PH levels in the vagina, thereby leaving the vagina moist which also improves the sexual experience for the woman and man. 

Using an egg during kegals also assists women in exercising the correct vaginal muscles. Jade eggs give you allow you to know you are doing kegels correctly, and that you are using the right muscles.

Eggs are used to give you something to “lift”. Kegels are about lifting the pelvic floor. Another way to think of Egg assisted kegels is to: Look at Ovarian Kung Fu as vaginal weight lifting, which is essentially what kegels with eggs are. The only difference is the additional circulation of energy throughout the body. This is an aspect of kung fu. Wǔshù literally means “martial art“. It is formed from the two words 武術 (wǔ), meaning “martial” or “military” and  (shù), which translates into “discipline“, “skill” or “method.”

 The Love of Jade

The egg provides the weight and it is much more attractive and comfortable than using a small plain metal weight. There are other gemstones that can be used for Ovarian Kung Fu. Jade eggs are most popular due to their yin complimenting element. The Chinese culture have used jade for centuries for its beauty, and because of its healing energetic quality on the human body. 

Historically, the Chinese believe jade becomes a part of the wearer.  When jade is green and has a vibrant glow, it reflects a vital person. Alternately, when jade looks dull, it indicates the person may be ill, or getting ill. 



Drilled jade eggs?

Undrilled jade eggs is recommended, because they are easier to clean. Eggs cannot get lost in the vagina. It is easy to push an egg out when sitting or squating. But if you decide to start with a drilled jade egg, you can use unwaxed dental floss to pull the egg out of the vagina. 

To clean the egg, use soap and water, then dry it off and wrap it in a smooth cloth. It is not a good idea to boil jade eggs, boiling will damage jade and disrupt the energy of jade. A medium sized jade egg is a good choice for women who are post menopausal or may have a shrinking vagina. 

Vaginal Weight Lifting

Eggs can be tied together to increase weight during ovarian kung fu.. Visualize the energy you feel in the vagina being pulled up and filling your heart and kidney organs. Smile and visualize a ball of light (your qi force) at your lower back at the base of the spine. Visualize it slowly coming up to your crown chakra. From there see the light from your crown pouring out onto your aura and entire body. Repeat 10 times at least. This Ovarian Kung fu technique is known to balance the body, mind and spirit. 

To perform kegels

Start with an empty bladder. Insert jade egg and squeeze the vaginal muscles around the egg as it moves into place. Lightly squeeze to adjust the egg. As you squeeze you are lifting the pelvic floor. Walk around with the egg in for 30 minutes. As you walk around doing you regular duties, give the egg a gentle squeeze here and  there. Repeat several times a week. The health of the vagina will improve, when it does keep using your eggs. Adjust your exercise time as needed. 

Making Your Marriage More Passionate

Making Your Marriage More Passionate

When you were courting, all you could think about was how exciting and romantic it was to be together. Back then, you couldn’t do enough to please each other. As time passed, you got so accustomed to married life that you stopped making special efforts for each other. There were always so many responsibilities and details to take care of, that who could think about romance? Maybe you’ve been missing those blissful feelings — and you sense that your partner misses them too. Here are a few ways to put more romance back into your marriage.

Pay attention to your appearance

There’s a saying: Beauty’s only skin deep, but ugliness goes right through to the bone. Too often, people who’ve been married for years no longer feel the need to go through the effort of looking good for their partner.

If your wife doesn’t enjoy seeing you lounging around the house in your underwear, or if your husband is bothered by seeing you in worn out slippers and an old bathrobe, don’t ignore it. Doing that is a lot like saying: “We’re married. Therefore, I don’t have to bother putting on any kind of show. You’re always going to be there, so I don’t have to worry about pleasing you.” After you become indifferent to your appearance, your spouse may have a hard time seeing you in a romantic and exciting way.

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable around the house. But do yourself, your spouse, and your marriage a favor by paying attention to your dress and personal hygiene. Show your husband or wife that you care by taking the time to look, feel, and smell good.

Use words of love

Saying the words “I love you” is always a good idea — as long as they’re said sincerely. Everyone appreciates being told how much they’re loved and cherished.

Here are some ways to expand that simple three-word phrase:

Share your hopes, dreams, and secret thoughts. There are some things that you can only communicate through words. And few things make your partner feel closer to you than letting her in on your most private thoughts and visions.

When your goal is to create more closeness in your marriage, you want to share only thoughts and emotions that are likely to make your partner feel loved and wanted. Save any worries that are likely to generate anger or tears for another time.

Tell your partner often how much you love being married to her. Then, talk about the qualities you enjoy most. Is it her terrific sense of humor? The way he greets you at the door when you come home from work? Married couples often spend a lot of time complaining about one another’s faults and shortcomings. If you want to stir up the romantic fires in your relationship, try letting her know what she does that pleases you most.

Use a gentle touch

The way people touch each other communicates different feelings and provokes different sensations. Wives often complain that their husbands touch them only when they want sex. Women seem to like more hand holding, kissing, and gentle physical closeness than men. So, guys, don’t wait for bedtime to touch and fondle your wife. Make it part of the way you communicate every day.

The absence of affectionate touching doesn’t always mean that there’s a problem in the marriage. However, a certain amount of gentle, non-sexual touching enhances closeness and heightens the sense of romance between the partners. This touching can take many forms, like caressing your partner’s face, putting an arm around her back, or stroking his hair.


Make time to be alone together

When husbands and wives don’t spend enough time alone, they are bound to grow apart. And when a couple already has problems, they often distance themselves from one another by using kids, friends, family members — even groups of strangers — as buffers.

Couples with young children need to make a special effort to find time to be by themselves. Sure, it’s not always easy to find a babysitter. It often seems easier to drag the kids along to wherever you’re going. That may be conducive to a rich family life, but you need to balance that with time for the two of you.

Make it your business to find at least a few hours each week for the two of you to be alone together. Go for a walk, movie, or ballgame. Meet for lunch. Take a cooking class together. Try to get away overnight as often as possible.

Simply logging in time together won’t make your relationship more romantic. What you need to do is to spend uninterrupted time sharing thoughts, ideas, and activities in a way that gives you pleasure and draws you closer as a couple.

Play and laugh together

When the routines of day-to-day life begin to take over, you may forget that playing together is as important as working together. Few things help you appreciate the good things in life — and in your marriage — than adding a touch of child-like playfulness.

Watch the way children play; the way they seem to take pleasure from each moment. Adults often let themselves get so loaded down with pressures and responsibilities that they forget how important it is to have fun.

Think of play as any activity that you enjoy together. It may be taking a drive in the country, going to the zoo, or taking up ballroom dancing. Or stay home, order in a pizza, and rent a couple of videos. Whatever makes the two of you smile and feel light-hearted.

Different kinds of playfulness are appropriate at different times. For example, some play involves the kind of intimate touching most couples would only do behind closed doors — though there are some couples who enjoy fooling around with each other in public. There are also very public kinds of playfulness, like spending time at an amusement park or dressing up for a costume party. Almost anything is fair game if you both find it pleasurable.

Revisit your shared history

Is there a special spot where you used to spend time when you were courting? A certain restaurant near your first apartment where the two of always had Sunday brunch? How long has it been since you’ve been back to those places?

Return to the locations that have special meaning to you — on a regular basis, if possible. It may not be practical for you to go back to the exotic island where you spent your honeymoon, but what about revisiting that park where you used to stroll together hand in hand, or that beach where you spent a week the summer you first met? Revisiting places that are special to you will help keep the romance alive in your marriage.

Continue to seek out new romantic places and rituals, and add them to the ones you already have.

Your shared history as a couple is ongoing. The special experiences and meaningful rituals that you create over the course of your marriage help you have a richer and more romantic life together.

Credit: For Dummies

26 Gemstones For 2012 Transformation!


1. Dumortierite: Self-reliance, stamina, patience, recognition of potential, understanding, communication of ideas.

2. Amazonite: Success, joy, self-expression, awakening heart, soothing, harmony, balancing.

3. Amethyst: Contentment, spirituality, dreams, healing, peace, happiness, love, intuition.

4. Ametrine: Intellectual stimulation, attunement, releasing, dispelling tension, connecting.

5. Apatite: Intellect, achieving results, healing, insight, humanitarianism, meditation, balance, creativity.

6. Aquamarine: Courage, purification, peace, intuition, self-expression, balance, preparedness.

7. Aventurine: Healing, money, mental agility, visual acuity, peace, opening heart, inspiration, leadership.

8. Azurite: Intuitive, dreams, healing, insight, meditation, concentration, transformation.

9. Bloodstone: Courage, intense healing, renewal, strength, victory, intuitive decision-making.

10. Calcite: Purification, peace, calming, memory, awareness, appreciation of nature.

11. Carnelian: Precision, analytical capabilities, physical energy, verbal skill, peace, spirituality.

12. Celestite: Verbal skill, healing, compassion, calming, growth, intuition, hope.

13. Chrysocolla: Easing heartache, stamina, wisdom, peace, love, communication, vitality, inner strength.

14. Chrysoprase: Balancing male-female energy, love, grace, compassion, clemency, personal growth.

15. Amber: Soothing, calming, cleansing.

16. Citrine: Intuition, comfort, protection, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening.

17. Coral: Diplomacy, calming emotions, visualization.

18. Clear Quartz: Magnifying, life development, healing, raising consciousness.

19. Diamond: Creativity, courage, strength, healing, protection, spirituality, mental abilities .

20. Emerald: Love, domestic bliss, celibacy (men), sensitivity, loyalty, memory, mental capacity, harmony, focus, eliminating negativity, clarity.

21. Fluorite: Stability, impartial reasoning, responsibility, concentration, health.

22. Fossil: Accomplishments, improvement of one’s environment, communication, innovation.

23. Agates: Balancing energies; perception, strength, inspiration, revealing talents.

24. Garnet: virility, removing negativity, awareness, commitment, regeneration, order, insight.

25. Hematite: Mental balance, memory, calming, balance, focusing energy and emotions, peace, inner happiness, clearing negativity.

26. Howlite: Awareness, calm, expression, observation, patience, eliminating negativity.

Top Reasons For Choosing Sexual Abstinence

Continue reading this post here. This one is very interesting.

The Official Blog of Sereda Aleta Dailey

Absti- What? lol. Yes, the A word that we all know as choosing to not have sex for a period of time. We at Bliss Returned are advocates for anything that will bring bliss back to the planet. Would this do it? Well certainly the entire world won’t have to do it at once for us to see some changes in the world but let’s just say: slowing down a bit could not hurt some of the folks in the world. 

How could anyone choose a thing like abstinence? The only thing needed to live with the choice of being sexually abstinent, is the choice to actually go without having sex. It is truly that simple. Pills, loads of chocolate and coffee will not be necessary either.

From our research it seems that sexual abstinence in 2011 continuing to 2012 is still in full effect. (Insert a clap…

View original post 456 more words

You Thought You Knew Your Body: 11 Crazy Features Of Human Anatomy

What an amazing creation the human body is. This week i have learned so many new details about the body. We have so much to learn. I know i’m not the only one. Take a look at this article. This is very educational. Interesting stuff. Enjoy!

The truth about the normal human body can be stranger than fiction.

To prove it, here are 11 weird facts about the body you thought you knew.

1. Your Tongue

1. Your Tongue

What does your tongue have in common with an octopus’ tentacle and an elephant’s trunk? All three are examples of a unique structure called the “muscular hydrostat,” a bundle of muscles that work without the assistance of bones. Like anything made mostly of water, the hydrostat has a constant volume, so when certain cells contract, the whole thing has to expand somewhere else. The result is a body part that is both strong and flexible. If your tongue were as big as an elephant’s trunk, it could uproot trees too.

2. Your Hyoid Bone

This wee, horseshoe-shaped bone will never appear in the song by James Weldon Johnson, as it’s connected to…no bones at all, in a meaningful sense; its job is independent of the rest of the skeleton. Also known as the lingual bone, the hyoid bone sits atop the larynx, providing an anchor for the muscles on the floor of the mouth, the tongue. Don’t worry: you’re not likely to break this bone, unless someone starts choking you to death. At that point, you’ve got bigger problems.

3. Your Philtrum

3. Your Philtrum

No, that little indent under your nose isn’t there to make it difficult to apply lipstick in the dark, but it doesn’t serve any other purpose either. The indent, called the philtrum, is just a residual reminder of your time in the womb: in utero, the two sides of your face develop independent of one another, then join at the middle. When the two sides fail to fuse properly, the result is a cleft palate, which occurs in about 1 of every 750 births. Ancient Romans found the philtrum erotic, and named that lipstick-thwarting dip in the upper lip “Cupid’s Bow.” In fact, the word philtrum comes from a Greek term meaning “love potion.”

4. Your Hair

Chelsa Skees via flickr

People love tossing around hair facts. That old wives tale about it growing after you’re dead? A fun fallacy. After you die, your hair and nails don’t continue growing, but the skin retreats as it dehydrates, causing that creepy illusion of ghoulish growth.

In truth, hair is a weird combination of living and dead. The living hair follicle pushes out the hair, which is made up of different kinds of non-living yet protective cells made of keratin — the same keratin that’s on your top (dead) layer of skin, in the lenses of your eyes, and your nails. When your hair turns grey, it means your pigment cells are dying. Yet another hairy reminder of your own mortality.

5. Your Nails

Ever notice how your toenails grow more slowly than your fingernails? That’s because there’s an evolutionary correlation between the length of your “terminal phalanges” (the outer-most bones in your toes and finger-tips) and the rate at which your nails grow. The tips of your toes are shorter than your fingertips, so your toenails don’t grow as fast. In the same way, the nail on your middle finger will grow faster than the nail on your pinky. The seemingly random correlation has to do with the lessening necessity of claws through human evolution. If your fingernails are thick and grow quickly, ask yourself the question: “Should I be digging more?”

6. Your Bioluminescence

6. Your Bioluminescence

Fireflies and jellyfish glow, but humans? Believe it. The phenomenon is a natural byproduct of the metabolic process, and scientists have long been aware of the presence of bioluminescence in most living creatures. But it wasn’t until 2009, when a team of Japanese researchers developed camera 1000 times more sensitive than the human eye, that human bioluminescence was captured on film. The light show apparently works on a 24-hour cycle — brightest in the late afternoon and on the cheeks, forehead and neck. Next time someone tells you “you’re glowing,” you can take it literally.

7. Your Walking Proteins

Of the microscopic menagerie that is your cell biology, the most bizarre member is perhaps the kinesin protein, a “motor” protein whose job it is to deliver important molecules to their necessary cellular destinations. What’s most remarkable is the kinesin’s mode of transportation: It “walks” along its micro-pathway using two structures at its base commonly referred to as “feet.” Though scientists disagree as to exactly how these feet were “made for walking,” there’s no denying that the mode of transportation closely resembles that of the humans they assist.

8. Your Sonic Hedgehog

8. Your Sonic Hedgehog

What’s more complex than cell biology? Cell biology in your infinitely complex brain. In 1993, scientists discovered a protein in the hippocampus instrumental in developing a variety of neural traits. Isolated in fruit flies, the protein causes spines to grow on the back, so the scientists named it “Sonic” after the spiny Sega Genesis character. Similar proteins are named and desert hedgehog and Indian hedgehog. Who says scientists don’t have fun?

9. Your Liver

The lumpy, lobey, unwieldy liver gets a bad rap, but if you didn’t have it in there cleaning out your system, you’d be looking pretty bad yourself. Lucky for you, the liver is perhaps the most resilient of the major organs: it can regenerate from only 25% of its tissue mass. You wouldn’t vote it the cutest kid in school, but “Most Likely to Succeed”? Maybe.

10. Your Vomeronasal Organ

There are important organs, and there are ones just along for the ride. As far as useless leftover body parts, you’ve probably heard about about the tailbone, the appendix, even the little toe (wee wee wee all the way home). But you may not have heard of the “vomeronasal organ,” located unglamorously inside the nose.

Back in the day, the little guy used to aid in detecting subtle airborne information, most importantly, pheromones from a member of the opposite sex. In the age of modern man, the vomeronasal organ doesn’t appear to be doing much — it doesn’t even have nerves connecting it to the brain. Still, scientists continue to argue about the potential chemical messages it might be sending, titillating that part of us that is still animal.

11. Your Sexy Bits

And speaking of pheromones and vestigial organs…

Men and women have more in common “down there” then you might think. Because the sex organs of a fetus don’t develop until about five months into development, males and females have remnants of the opposite sexual organs — and some are more useful than others. While the penis is basically an enlarged version of a lady’s clitoris, the male remnant of the lower vagina is less useful. Called the prostatic utricle (Latin for “pouch of the prostate”), the little-discussed fleshy sac just kind of hangs out near the prostate gland, leading nowhere. In the 1800s, the structure was more commonly called the vagina masculina, which requires no translation.


Facts About The Vagina You May Not Know

DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! The information and photographs contained in this guide are quite explicit and may be disturbing to some viewers. By CONTINUING read on, you agree that you are either an adult, or have your parent or guardian’s permission to view explicit information and images on the internet.

It’s a trip how many women do NOT know about their bodies. We have some parents who did not discuss the details of sex, reproduction and all the facts about the body that little girls should be introduced to at an early age, than just in their adulthood. Of course the older a young woman gets, it becomes someone’s task to share the facts of life with her. How else will she know that she will have a month cycle and that it is nothing to be afraid of. My mother did not hold back with me and my sisters growing up. She definitely made sure we knew what to expect and how to take care of our delicate body parts. I will do the same thing. As my mother never thought of our bodies as nasty or something to hide away from. I am thankful for that. Now its my time to get into the facts about our bodies. I plan to share this information and much more. We have to know to GROW! Share this with someone you know who needs to know. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Love your body in a balanced way and it will love you back:-) ❤

The Vulva and Internal Genitalia

A woman’s vulva is actually a grouping of most of the external sexual organs of the crotch. The vulva includes the vagina opening, the clitoris, the labia (majora and minora), the urinary opening (urethra), and the area over the pelvic bone that gets covered with pubic hair at puberty (called the mons veneris).

1: Mons veneris
2: Hood of Clitoris
3: Clitoris
4: Labia minora
5: Labia majora
6: Anus
8: Perineum
10: Opening of Vagina
11: Opening of Urethra
The most obvious feature on an adult woman is the pubic hair. It grows from the soft tissue above the pubic bone and is called the mons veneris (1) (Latin for “mountain of venus”). In mature unshaven women, the pubic hair continues down and around the vulva to the anus (6). The anus is the opening of the rectum and colon. Click here for a detailed drawing of the external genitals. The hair covered area between the mons and the anus is also made of soft fatty tissue (like the mons). This is the outer lips of the vagina, or labia majora (5) (Latin for major lips). The labia majora are prominent in some women and minimal in others. For some, the skin of these outer lips is darker.

The outer lips (labia majora) surround some soft flaps of skin which are hairless. These inner lips are called the labia minora (4) (Latin for minor lips). With sexual stimulation, they swell and turn darker as they get filled with blood. The space between the inner lips and the anus is called theperineum (8).

If the inner lips are spread apart (as seen in the picture), one can see that they protect a delicate area between them. This area is called the vestibule. At the top of the vestibule, right below the mons area, the inner lips are joined to form a soft fold of skin, or hood (2), that covers the clitoris (3).

The clitoris (pronounced KLIT-or-iss [no, it doesn’t rhyme with Dolores]) is the most sensitive spot in the entire genital area. It is made up of erectile tissue that swells during sexual arousal.

Below the clitoris is a small slit called the urethra (11) opening. The urethra is a thin tube about an inch and a half long that connects to the bladder. This is where urine comes out.

Below the urethra opening is the larger opening of the vagina (10) (also called the introitus). The vagina is the birth canal, and connects the outside world of the vulva to the womb (or uterus).

fThe vagina is a muscular tube-like structure that connects the external world of the vulva to the internal organs of reproduction (i.e., the cervix and uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries). The Vagina is tucked between the urinary bladder in the front, and the rectum in the back. If nothing is inside, the vaginal walls touch each other. When something is inside the vagina, (e.g., tampon, finger, penis, baby), the walls spread and “hug” the object .

The walls of the vagina are actually made up of 3 types of tissue. The inside wall is called mucosa, and is similar to the inside of your mouth. Just below the mucosa is a layer of tissue that can fill with blood. This is theerectile tissue, and swells when a woman is sexually aroused. The deepest layer is a coat of muscle. This muscular coat is a wrap of tissue that can relax or constrict.

The vagina varies in length from woman to woman, but is generally 2 1/2 to 4 inches long (from vulva to cervix). In addition, the vagina has the ability to stretch quite a bit, thus allowing an erect penis in, and a baby out.

Source: and