Drink Plenty: Water Is The Body’s Life Connection

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Water is the most vital nutrient that we all know about. How do we go about getting the most optimal amount of water into the body most efficiently?

As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from lungs, skin, urine in addition feces too. Water, is certainly an important element for the human body to function. Water is needed to maintain the health and integrity of every cell in the body, keep the bloodstream fluid enough to flow through blood vessels. Water also helps to remove the by products of the body’s metabolism.


Water also helps to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature through sweating, lubricate and cushion joints and carry nutrients and oxygen to the body’s cells, just to name a few. Drinking refreshing, clean water plays a major role in reducing the risk of certain diseases.


Česky: Pitná voda - kohoutek Español: Agua potable
Česky: Pitná voda – kohoutek Español: Agua potable (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The loss of body water through urination is greatly increased by the ingestion of decaffeinated and alcoholic beverages. These drinks have a diuretic effect, meaning they stimulate the kidneys to excrete more urine.


Not only do we lose water, we also lose water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) and other B complex vitamins. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of simple pure water.


A diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables will supply about 4 cups of water per day. Even with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, it is still necessary to drink an additional 6 to 8 cups of water per day to supply enough water to meet the body’s daily needs. For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water.


Dehydration occurs when the water content of the body is too low. This is easily fixed by increasing fluid intake. Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, lethargy, mood changes and slow responses, dry nasal passages, dry or cracked lips, dark-colored urine, weakness, tiredness, confusion and hallucinations. Eventually urination stops, the kidneys fail and the body can’t remove toxic waste products. In extreme cases, this may result in death.

English: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal g...
English: U.S. Army Sergeant Kornelia Rachwal gives a young Pakistani girl a drink of water as they are airlifted from Muzaffarabad to Islamabad, Pakistan, aboard a U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter on the 19 October 2005. Français : Le sergeant Kornelia Rachwal de l’armée américaine donne de l’eau à une jeune fille pakistanaise au cours d’un voyage de Muzaffarabad à Islamabad (Pakistan) à bord d’un hélicoptère CH-47 Chinook le 19 Octobre 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Approximately six to eight glasses of a variety of fluids can be consumed each day. More than eight glasses may be needed for physically active people, children, people in hot or humid environments, and breastfeeding women. Less water may be needed for sedentary people, older people, people in a cold environment or people who eat a lot of high water content foods.






Reishi Mushroom: The Elixir of Immortality

Lingzhi or ReishiReishi mushroom is also known as Ganoderma Lucidum, it is one of the most ancient organic and natural mushrooms made use of in todays medicine. It has been used for 100’s of years in China as it has been thought to aid people with a large selection of medical conditions. As the mushroom was scarce and highly-priced treatments were reserved for royalty. Through technological advancements growing Reishi Mushrooms has now turn out to be a actuality thus decreasing the cost of this mushroom making it available to the everyday man or woman.

The Reishi mushroom is considered to enhance the body’s immune system and aid in rehabilitating the immune system if needed. While some of todays traditional western medicine basically don’t work as well after a time period with Reishi Mushroom the entire body nerves seem to fully get used to the effects that is has , thus promoting a more robust immune system.

Pipa // Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Pipa // Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) (Photo credit: Valter Jacinto | Portugal)

People who have allergies may find some relief when using Reishi Mushroom. In addition people who suffer from simple mental problems such as stress, concentration problems, fatigue and sleep deprivation have also found the mushroom to be of tremendous aid.

Reishi Mushroom has also been known to prevent health problems that may lead to more serious problems such as heart attack or other heart conditions. It is claimed that it can also help people with liver disorders, blood circulation , lung disorders and even help with symptoms of HIV.

The Reishi Mushroom also is known to have wonderful effects on the skin as it helps to increase the delivery of nutrients to the skin. It may also help control acne and minimize fine lines and age spots which can only make you look younger!

Pipa // Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Pipa // Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) (Photo credit: Valter Jacinto | Portugal)

As with all types of treatment one should always consult with the medical practitioner before starting any type of therapy, we suggest you check with your doctor should you want to try alternative remedies.

Reishi Mushroom is also known as the “elixir of immortality” because of its advantageous properties on the body. It is also known as the “King of Adaptogens” with its ability to improve the immune system, stamina, and circulatory system.

Mushroom of Longevity in Changdeokgung
Mushroom of Longevity in Changdeokgung (Photo credit: Nathan (Mushroom Nathan))

Reishi Mushroom is known to help restore the organs natural functions. People who take Reishi Mushroom have been known to improve mental clarity, skin, and overall body functioning. This can be taken for short and long term benefits. Not only does it restore the body’s overall vitality like Ginseng, but it also has a “fountain of youth” effect for those who take this supplement on going.

Form Healthy Blood Cells With 12 B Vitamin

Vitamin Line-Up
Vitamin Line-Up (Photo credit: Earthworm)

The brilliance of 12 B Vitamin uncovered!

12 b vitamin is one particular b vitamin that is known to be essential to maintaining a significantly healthy and balanced body. Usually known as Cobalamin, the 12b vitamin is necessary for the processes to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food directly into energy. 12 b also, more notably, will help continue to keep the red blood cells wholesome and consequently avert heart disease as well as keeping the immune system functioning at its optimum level. In accessory, 12 b is utilized to generate the safeguarding of all neurological cellular material in the human body.

  1. The most significant functionality of 12 b is to create and support healthful red blood cells.
  2. Nevertheless, all cells need to have 12 b to keep them healthy.
  3. It is the white blood cells, amidst others, that require 12 b to help make certain that the immune system stays functioning appropriately.
  4. All of the nerve cells in the body also need 12 b to form their protective fatty layer.
  5. This is essential for all of the nerves but is particularly so for those in the human brain.
  6. Reason being, If there is not adequate 12 b to develop this protective layer then the brain will not function adequately.


Remarkably, the volume of 12 b that the body requires is comparatively small but is needed on a regular basis. However, 12 b on its own is not enough as the body cannot absorb it easily. To help the body absorb 12 b the stomach produces intrinsic factor which enables more of the 12 b to be absorbed. 12 b is only found in animal foods such as liver, eggs, fish and meat but most people consume far more than their recommended daily amount of 12 b. This is not a problem as the body can only process about half of the 12 b that is consumed. It is also worth noting that the body can recycle the 12 b which cuts down on the impact of a 12 b deficiency. However, rigid vegetarians or vegans are likely to require 12 b supplements if they do not consume any animal products that include 12 b.

Cell adhesions in migrating cells
Cell adhesions in migrating cells (Photo credit: TheJCB)

One last thing, If the entire body does not have plenty of 12 b then anaemia is the most noticeable warning sign. Naturally, this is simply because of the fact that there is not ample 12 b to make healthy and balanced red blood cells. Anaemia can also be triggered by the body not creating enough intrinsic factor to help absorb the 12 b that is available in the food eaten. The body’s need for certain vitamins is likely to be a significantly less important issue especially once a man or woman gets to 50 and this will lead to less 12 b being absorbed and supplements of 12 b may be necessary. Kids are also at risk from anaemia because they may not eat the food items that contain 12 b. Pregnant women need more 12 b because the little one is absorbing 12 b during the pregnancy to grow adequately.

Pro’s and Con’s of Doing Your Own Hair Or Going To The Salon


 Another hot topic that’s prevalent when discussing hair maintenance issues with women and men are complaints of various beauticians handling their hair too rough or not being patient enough with their hair. This is another reason for the reluctance of going natural or staying natural for many people. Black hair is easier to take care of once there is a plan put in place. The word to top the list on this hair care plan should be patience. I’m sure you would agree that Black hair is ultra strong and it requires some time and care to keep it in tip top shape.

Women who don’t know the proper way of taking care of their hair may get frustrated when they attempt to comb through their hair for instance. What so many women don’t know is that like most things in the world, their kinky curly hair can be nourished back to life to the point where it will be super easy to take care of. Initially, In order for a woman to find the task of doing her hair fun, she would need to find an efficient hair styling method to use in order to keep the hair maintained and beautiful. If not, the effects can be quite damaging to the hair.

Each day more black women are going natural. Women are starting to get creative with their locks too. Although natural hair can be challenging to maintain, some women seem to have found a ‘tried and true’ methodology to take care of their hair in a beautiful way. On the other hand there are still women who haven’t found their way in styling their strong sassy roots yet. There are plenty ways to stay in the loop when it comes to hair. The internet and hair magazines are just some of the ways to educate yourself on hair across the board. Women should read all the can about natural hair care so they can sharpen their skill set with maintaining their hair. I suggest searching for specific sites online, or asking other women about how they care for their too for some wonderful ideas they too can try on their hair. Research and education will go a long way in the life of hair if you just take the first step towards knowing what you want by figuring out what’s out there. Enjoy the sights along the way!

Get Holistic: Protection Against Cancer for Young Women

320644_560252020657594_1424956561_n The day is filled with quite a few thoughts as Angela, a rapidly developing teenager reads a pamphlet on breast cancer in the comfort of her bedroom. She received the information in her 7th grade class earlier in the week. After watching television she decides its time to get serious with her homework which happens to be due in a matter of a couple of days.

The breast cancer brochure happened to fall out of her book bag as she looked for her class notes. Her homework was ready to go but the breast cancer concerns where on her mind. Angela had a cousin in her family with cancer in her left breast, she wanted to see what options were out there to cure such a thing. What she found would change her life.

According to The American Cancer Society, woman’s risk of developing breast cancer increases they get older. Their research also found 1 out of 8 breast cancers are found in women younger than 45, while about 2 of 3 breast cancers are found in women age 55 or older. There are steps that can be taken to ensure good health with various alternative healthy options.

What can you do now?

Eat foods like garlic

Add various mushrooms

Include cruciferous vegetables

Grab a handful of blueberries

Including foods from this list these will significantly protect you against free radicals. Make sure you choose organic whenever you can.

The overall health risks of breast cancer on women have been on the increase for a good while. In the past 10 years there has been a rise in the amount of holistic options that are being used by young ladies across the country. If you want to change your diet to a more healthy one it may be necessary to remove certain foods form your diet all together. However one can start by adding positive options to their daily intake for immediate benefits on the body.


Why should you choose Green tea?

is an all-natural deterrent for most cancers. Green tea has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years and has many cancer combating qualities. Some of the identified benefits of green tea include herbal antioxidants which help to protect against injury to the cells. Green tea is known to safeguard against several types of cancer like, brain cancer, breast cancer, and even stomach or skin cancer too. Studies show that as little as three cups of tea per day can cut down the potential for breast cancer to develop in young women.

The Appropriation cycle (12pm-8pm ). This is when we should eat the majority of our heavy concentrated foods.

Now your body has the energy required to preformed the vital functions concerning the food you eat. INGEST (EAT)  – DIGEST (BREAK DOWN). This is when we should eat the majority of our HEAVY CONCENTRATED FOODS.

Lunch and dinner fall into this cycle.

This is the time when the body is most efficient at digesting and dealing with foods. It’s also the time when we are burning them up the fastest because we’re at our most active. As long as we are eating according the dictates of our appetite, we should be merrily refuelling and burning, refuelling and burning in a fairly steady and comfortable way, which makes for a really comfortable feeling in the body.Eating when one is truly hungry can take a bit of getting used to, but is far more enjoyable than eating just because the clock dictates it’s lunchtime. And it makes so much sense! 

Lunch is the best convenient to have starch meals at lunch as opposed to protein, Do so – Do not make this difficult.

Just make sure you plan your meals using the BASIC PRINCIPLES OF COMBING HEAVIER CONCENTRATED FOOD (protein or starch) with lighter foods, vegetable and /or salad).

Here are the food combining basics:

  • Starches + Veggies = OK
  • Proteins + Veggies = OK
  • Proteins + Starches = No No
  • Plant Proteins + Plant Proteins = OK
  • Animal Proteins + Animal Proteins = No No
  • Starches + Starches = OK
  • Fats + Proteins (animal or plant) = No No (or pair moderately)
  • Fats + Carbohydrates = OK
  • Fats + Starches = OK
  • Fruits are best eaten on an empty stomach
  • Fruit + Raw greens = OK (except melons)

When you “mis-combine” (mix incompatible food groups together at the same meal), two things happen: first, the food does not digest properly and ends up rotting and putrefying in your stomach, and second, because the food isn’t being absorbed properly, you don’t get the nutritional value you need from it.

When you mis-combine your meals by mixing animal protein with, say, carbohydrates high in starch (Maxi Carbs), your stomach begins pouring in both alkaline and acid, and unfortunately they neutralize each other. It’s a stalemate, and since the stomach maintains a 104 degree temperature, what you end up with is sort of an “oven” where the undigested meat and starch begins to ferment, rot and putrefy, causing the undesirable symptoms of gas, flatulence, headaches, bloat, sleepiness, diarrhea, constipation, etc. We’re talking about a real mess, and if it continues over the years, undigested food will begin to pile up and ultimately clog your colon and intestinal tract (your life lines to health).




Promote healthy Throat Chakra!!

Thyroid Thyroid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddhais about speaking one’s truth Obviously, Vishuddhais located at the base of our neck, and affects the proper functioning of our vocal cords and our thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is associated with hormone production that is key to physical growth and maturation. Spiritually, that growth is that of our consciousness and wisdom. The Throat Chakra incites us to live ideally, be surrounded by beauty, expressiveness, through our self-expression and ability to make our feeling and emotions our reality. It is the center of our capacity to community.

To maintain the health of your throat chakra, always be open, receptive, and humble. Having an open throat chakra is not just our ability to express ourselves but to listen to the truths others seek to share with us. For example, an overactive throat chakra might be obvious in our desire to control the consciousness of other peoples lives. A deficient throat chakra is evident if you are overly egotistic or prejudiced, or if you perceive the world as hostile, expecting to be humiliated, used, or judged by others rather than loved and nourished.

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra:

Ways to eat to promote healthy Throat Chakra!!

*Chew food: In the age of fast living, we are doing everything fast, including eating. If we are eating on the run, we may tend to shortcut our eating by gulping and swallowing rather than chewing and assimilating. If we are not chewing our food thoroughly, chances are we won’t be able to digest, absorb, and ultimately, assimilate it into our body. Thus, chewing serves an important function. It is also essential that we put our awareness into eating so we get the most from the experience and do not feel like overeating – chewing slowly helps us to accomplish this. Eating with consciousness keeps us in the moment and allows us to savor the flavor and joy of foods!

*Eat high-quality foods for your highest self: Every day we are bombarded with food choices – how do we know what is best for us? Nutritionists seem to tell us one thing one day and another thing the next. How do we know how to choose foods? The throat chakra is about choice, decisions, and options – but not just any – the throat chakra, being a higher, resonating chakra than some of the other lower chakras, is calling us to make the best choice for ourselves and our planet. Eat foods that serve your body, mind, and spirit, and that serve the realm of nature – the animals, plants, and water. If we are eating meat from chickens kept in unhealthy, stressful conditions, we may take on the ‘energy’ of those chickens – frenetic, chaotic, stressful. If we are eating foods that were grown using natural elements instead of synthetic, such as organically grown foods, we are taking in healthy, higher-vibratory signals for our soul.

English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar20...
English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar2000TM bio-energy sensor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

*Broaden your food horizon: When we cave into food ruts, we let go of our ability to choose and experience. The throat chakra encourages us to be expansive like the overarching sky – to look wider and broader, to explore and discover. One of the ways we can do this is by eating ethnic foods – foods we may not normally eat, whether Thai, Indian, Middle-Eastern, European, or Ethiopian, to name a few. See what happens when you introduce some variety. It exposes you to an abundance of tradition and culture. It broadens not only your food horizon, but helps you to step out of the box of your everyday living!

*Spark alchemy amongst the food elements: On a spiritual level, the throat chakra is about alchemy – transforming the messages of the heart into the language of voice, words, song, poetry. The throat chakra resonates with the alchemy of food elements – bringing together water and earth, fire and water, fire and earth. By eating foods like soups (earth-water elements fused together through fire), we encourage and honor our connection with the elemental nature of foods and our bodies.

Feeding Your Throat Chakra

Speaking One’s Truth

  • Liquids in general: water, fruit juices, herbal teas
  • Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
  • Other tree growing fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc.
  • Spices: salt, lemon grass
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The Simple Way to Transition from Permed To Natural Hair

400990_4540366241824_1077034282_n(1)Hair, hair and more hair is all you hear black women talking about nowadays. Almost everything from the design and style to the color and texture. Black hair can be so diverse to have. All-natural hair is quite common right now but also making a strong come back in the year 2012. Hair is so important to so many women since hair is one of the first things you see on them. With the new energy of heightened positivity in the world, more men and women are savoring the benefits of living a brighter, more easier life. Consequently, more women are also wanting to reverse the appearance of their hair to a more stress-free look.

Black hair is stunning when it’s worked well. If it’s not, curly hair can be a fairly unsettled subject matter to cope with. One of the main considerations in the black community and precisely with African American women is the permed verses natural hair saga. One of the largest difficulties with women leaving their permed straight hair for natural hair is the (hair length loss factor). That was a tongue twister!

What I’m speaking of is the way that African hair has a tendency to normally be springy, tight coily and kinky curly. There is so much one can do to their hair when they enable it to grow out chemical free. On the other hand most women don’t care anything about that but would much rather have their hair length instead.


Most major hair transitions take time. Switching from chemical to naturally treated hair is a significant phase in ones’ life. This is definitely the case with permed to natural hair. There are some obvious changes that have to happen in order for a woman to successfully have the head of hair that she desires. For one, the perm kit days are over as soon as she decides no more straight hair. Now instead of continuing to care for her hair with chemically treated products, a woman may usually switch to using organic, holistic products on her hair since it just makes sense.


What to Know About Late Ovulation


Lots of women are in tune with their menstrual cycle schedules. They know when they’re coming just like they would their birthdays. Some of them will experience a more regular scheduler compared to others and will go through ‘late ovulation’. And because this is tied to their period, they will see it more quickly compared to some others.
For the pre-menopausal women their main worry in regard to late ovulation is the possibility of getting pregnant. However, late ovulation can be caused by several things which we will discuss in more detail below.
Breast-feeding can be one of the common causes of late ovulation. This is particularly true during the first six months. It may cause some serious shifts in the woman’s hormones and body. A few mothers who are breast-feeding might experience various ovulation problems at times like these. There are certain women who will not ovulate whatsoever and only experience it during times of breast-feeding.
Hormonal Shifts:
Too Much or Too Little Body Fat – How much body fat women have on their bodies has an impact on their levels of estrogen. Having too little fat or too much of it may cause late ovulation to occur. Too little body fat is most likely to be the culprit than too much. This is due to the fact that for maintaining their levels of estrogen production, a woman’s body might require a specific amount of fat. Having fat levels that are inappropriate may cause other types of health issues as well. It is crucial that these fat levels are controlled and a healthy weight is maintained.
Medications – A lot of prescription medications come with adverse side effects that can really upset the delicate hormonal chemistry in a woman. One of the results could be ‘late ovulation’. Drugs used for cancer treatment are the type that can cause ovulation shifts. Women who take steroid hormone treatments can experience side effects too. Some women who have to take prescribed medications to treat a mental illness such as psychosis or depression can see their hormone levels altered as well.
Hormonal Shifts – Hormonal shifts are quite common and can lead to late ovulation. In order for a normal ovulation cycle to take place, a woman’s body must produce the proper amount of hormones and have them released at the right intervals. Anytime this schedule changes a woman can experience shifts in ovulation. There can be many reasons for these hormone shifts like stress and over-exertion. Whatever cause it the hormonal shifts are many times the exact cause of having late ovulation.
Many women go through times of late ovulation at some time in their lives. It your experience was just once or if you only suffer an occasional occurrence, then there may not be any need for serious concern or health risks. But the experts do recommend that you consult with an experienced OBGYN if late ovulation repeats itself often. A woman can go through life and experience late ovulation and never face anything that is serious. But it is always best to err on the side of caution. Consult a doctor whenever late ovulation causes you to feel concerned.
About the Author
Greg does work for Walnut Hill–an experienced OBGYN and Texas fertility clinic. They practice skilled, compassionate care and offer services to help women in all stages of life. For more helpful information, visit http://walnuthillobgyn.com/our-services/tubal-reversal-in-dallas-texas/

Get Healthier Natural Hair Now!


You will find a number of distinct hair vitamins and minerals that can play a major role in helping a man or woman have a healthy head of natural hair. If a person does not have adequate nutrients in their body from the foods they eat everyday, there may be a lack of minerals in the body. An absence of vitamins in the body can lead to hair thinning, or even total balding in many serious cases. What most people don’t know is that it’s a well documented fact in Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine that the state of a persons hair totally reflects the overall condition of a person’s body. In case you aren’t eating or drinking enough ‘good stuff’ you can bet your body and hair are going to pay the price for your nourishment slacking. If you want to make a change in your hair you have to change your course of action for a more balanced one and soon.


Additional hair vitamin supplements should be taken if you are generally not well health wise. Foods from nature are the original vitamins and minerals, so it’s not a bad idea to look in your local produce department before looking anywhere else for the answers. Now, if you’re not sure if you need increased dietary supplements or a better variety of foods to choose from, search no further than your hair follicles for the clear answers. If you touch your hair and notice excess shedding on your clothes, hair popping as you comb your hair, slow to no hair growth, yes your hair and body may be undernourished. Don’t worry about it though since you are in the right place to make changes with the right answers.


Natural hair is very strong and it takes a lot to really kill it. So you have some advantages on your side here… First things first, decide to make a change and stick to it! That’s the most significant thing you can do right now. Next you have to drink more water if you aren’t already doing so. Drinking enough water looks different on each person though. For instance, if you are a runner, you should drink more than 8 cups of water a day optimally. Listen to your body, feel your hair. Then add the natural ingredients to them to help them growth happy and healthy.


Some of the most critical hair vitamins that a particular person requires to have wholesome hair include things like B6, biotin, inositol along with folic acid. The ideal way to guarantee an individual is provided with a good amount of these vital hair nutrients is for them to be taken as nutritional vitamin supplements. It is not just hair vitamins which are usually found in the vitamin section in a market or drug store but also several others that are necessary for healthy hair. Some of the other minerals that are essential to both the body and hair functioning properly, include magnesium, sulphur, silica and zinc.


All nutrients are key to a balanced body. However, the most essential hair vitamin is vitamin A. It is best to add this necessary vitamin as beta-carotene though. It is best in the form of Beta-Carotene because vitamin A can be toxic if consumed in substantial levels but beta-carotene has no such complications and is easily converted by the body into vitamin A that can be used to promote healthy hair. Of course, vitamin A is not just a hair vitamin, it is also needed for a number of other functions including standard development of bones, skin, nails and the defensive sheath around nerve fibers.


Protein is an additional essential natural hair vitamin. This is because natural hair itself is in essence protein. The quantity of this vitamin that a person eats in their diet can affect the hair instantly. If a lot of protein is integrated into a persons diet regime then this important vitamin will cause thicker, longer hair growth and a far healthier head of hair. On the other hand, a person who has a diet that is missing this hair vitamin will suffer from hair loss and sluggish hair growth.


Obviously, it is not only vitamins and minerals that are required to make certain a person has healthy and balanced, strong hair. Again, there are a number of experts who have found that there are direct links between the overall well being of a person and the condition of their hair. Very good example, If a person is under a great deal of stress or they usually don’t get enough sleep, their hair can also suffer and it is likely that their diet will not provide the adequate nutritional requirements to reverse these side effects.


On a final note, hair vitamin and mineral supplements can be the perfect aid to strengthen weak and damaged hair if they are also accompanied by a balanced lifestyle. A balanced lifestyle is one that includes regular sleep, occasional exercise, drinking plenty of water and of course our favorite! (drum roll please) The amazing last but not least…! eating lots of fruit and veggies! Have fun and do right by your hair by making a change on the inside to in turn take care of the outside.