15 Empowering Affirmations, Just For You!



It’s time to come forth and accept your best!

Your self-image is the way you see yourself, how you feel about yourself. It may seem effortless to manifest the best in life for most people. However many of us have contradictory thoughts about what we want, versus what we are willing to visualize and energize to create what we want. If you’re having a challenging time holding on to positive images of what you want, thankfully there is a way around that.


Put your effort into building a positive self-image. Start there. You will be happy you did! Use these uplifting affirmations to reverse your mental apprehension to Accepting all that life has to offer you. Know that you are  FULLY deserving, No matter what! Throughout the day, check your thoughts.  After careful review of your thoughts make a firm choice to replace, ignore or replace any thought that you do not enjoy, Into ONLY thoughts that Uplift you. How will you know that your image of yourself is improving? You will know by the smile on your face and the joy in your walk~ Bliss Returned with Abundance to you!!


1. I am growing more positive by the day

2. My resources come from an unlimited source!

3. Abundance is the best way to describe my life with one word

4. I am love itself

5. I love myself for being all that I can be right here, right now!

6. I enjoy the live that I am living

7. I deserve the best so I give the best

8. The more I smile the more good things I receive

9. My power is in the way that I think, positive thoughts are all there is

10. My circle of friends inspire me to do my very best

11. I am blessed to have another chance at success each day

12. I am thankful for this earthly experience

13. I know I will receive all that I will ever need in my life

14. I am talented and growing better by the hour

15. I have the power to make a change anytime I want to

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