Diuretic Fruits, Herbs and Vegetables : List of Natural Diuretic Foods for Weight Loss

Natural diuretics are natural foods or herbs that allow increased flow of urine and thereby aid removal of fluids from the body. While natural diuretics aid removal of excess fluids from the body, it may also mean loss of important vitamins and minerals too. It is essential that they are supplemented to prevent loss of vital electrolytes. Look up some natural diuretic food that you can incorporate into your diet.


Foods like salt and sugar cause the body to retain considerable fluids. They may lead to bloating and water retention. Often inadequate protein in the diet can lead to fluid retention. When the body does not get enough amino acids or B-vitamins, it may accumulate excess fluids.

Diuretics are prescribed for people suffering from edema – accumulation of fluids in the body tissues. People suffering from high blood pressure or heart diseases may be prescribed diuretics. Women suffering from PMS symptoms such as bloating are often advised to take diuretics to rid the body of excess fluid retention. Often diuretics are taken in a bid to lose weight. If taken indiscriminately, diuretics can lead to serious consequences such as dehydration and potassium deficiency.

Natural diuretic

More and more people are resorting to natural foods and herbs that exhibit diuretic properties instead of diuretic pills. Moderation is the watchword even in the case of natural diuretics. Natural diuretics can aid in removal of excess fluids from the body and aid in treating of sciatica, kidney stone, lymphatic swelling, PMS, gonorrhea, liver disorders and high blood pressure.

  • Green tea is a natural diuretic food that has been in use for centuries in China.
  • Consumption of cranberry juice can aid in removal of excess fluid retention.
  • Apple cider vinegar exhibits natural diuretic properties and in addition maintains the potassium levels. It can be added to the salad dressing. It contains high levels of potassium that has quality to reduce fat deposits. It is prepared from apples and the malic acid used for fat burning process.
  • Dandelion is often used as a natural diuretic.
  • Nettle has natural diuretic properties that facilitate good cleansing.
  • Dandelion leaf tea aids in detoxification and has a beneficial effect on those suffering from cystitis and urinary tract infections.
  • Fennel has carminative and diuretic properties and is frequently used in seasoning food.

Natural foods with high water content such as watermelons and cucumbers help increase urination and better flushing out of toxins.

are also natural diuretic, a digestive aid, and provides nutrition to health-promoting bacteria in the intestinal tract.
Asparagus contains asparigine – a chemical alkaloid that boosts kidney performance, thereby improving waste removal from the body. It includes asparagines chemical. This chemical removes waste from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid. It also affects the cells and break down fat.

Black currants are a diuretic with a high potassium level; Diuretic often help those who suffer from high blood pressure and rheumatism, but deplete their potassium levels. Blackcurrants combine a diuretic effect with a high level of potassium.

Brussels Spouts  It stimulates the glands, the pancreas. It quickly releases waste and to clean out the cells. This vegetable also holds some minerals that stimulate the kidneys.  This helps in better cleansing of cells.

Beets are natural diuretic foods that attack floating body fats and fatty deposits. These are burly diuretic that focuses on the liver and kidneys. They have special iron cleanses corpuscles.

Cabbage is known to aid breakage of fatty deposits, especially around the abdominal region.

Carrots are a rich source of carotene that speeds the metabolic rate of the body and hastens removal of fat deposits and waste.

 Celery has a high concentration of Calcium in a ready to use form. Therefore when you eat it calcium directly work and this pure form of calcium will break up the accumulated fat build up. This is food with high water content.

Chives are a pleasing addition to a salad. They belong to the onion family and contain more than 80% water. They are fairly high in protein and carbohydrate content, rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. They are stimulating to the digestive system. They are valuable as a blood cleanser but exercise a strong diuretic action, consequently they should be used in moderation, particularly by those having trouble with their kidneys. People drinking beer, we find, should avoid using chives to any extent because, according to our researches, beer has a very strong disintegrating effect on the kidneys and a diuretic with the tendency to irritate the kidneys may cause undue discomfort.

Cucumbers are rich in sulfur and silicon that stimulate the kidneys into better removal of uric acid.

FENNEL is a valuable vegetable used in large quantities by the Latin cultures. As its nourishing value is becoming better known it is gradually becoming a more popular addition to other raw vegetables, either in salads or as a side dish. Fennel contains nearly 90% water in the bulbous part of the plant, which is the edible part. This vegetable can be quartered, sliced, chopped or ground. It is a very alkalinizing food, aiding in loosening up mucous or phlegm conditions, besides helping to stimulate the digestive processes. It is a good diuretic. It has a high sodium content and is rich in potassium and iron.

Fig is oxidant, laxative, diuretic, digestible and a blood cleanser

Garlic possesses, it is a natural diuretic food that aids breakage of fat and other excellent properties. Garlic has a beneficial effect on the lymph, aiding in the elimination of noxious waste matter in the body, having the tendency to increase body-odor until such waste has been sufficiently eliminated. It is a valuable cleanser of the mucous membrane, particularly the lungs, the sinuses, the nose and the throat. For this reason it is a valuable food in pulmonary conditions, asthma, etc. Although occasionally somewhat irritating to the kidneys, garlic is nevertheless valuable for its diuretic action. It is also a useful cleanser of the blood therefore helpful in conditions of high blood pressure. It tends to stimulate peristaltic action and the secretion of digestive juices. While the odor of garlic is not usually appreciated as a second hand perfume, this condition can be compensated by the use of raw parsley, mint or other fresh green herbs of a like nature, combined with it, or used immediately afterwards. Garlic contains approximately 65% water and satisfactory results are obtained by using it raw, chopped finely, in small quantities as an ingredient in any vegetable salad.

Horseradish speed up your metabolism.  It has a wonderful effect of dissolving fat in cells with no side effects.

Lettuce aids better metabolism and flushing of toxins.

Mangoes are depurative and diuretic.

Melons are refreshing, alkalising, mineralising, oxidant and diuretic. Watermelon and muskmelon contains high levels of water, potassium and sodium that aid remove toxins and stimulates urine production.

Papayas are diuretic, laxative and refreshing.

Parsley is one of the most potent foods of the common vegetable kingdom. As a juice, if properly and completely extracted, it is wise not to drink more than (4 ounces) daily without the addition of other vegetable juices because otherwise it is likely to create a serious disturbance of the nervous system. With the addition of the raw juice of carrots and celery it is very valuable as nourishment for the optic system, also for the kidneys and bladder and as an aid in allaying inflammation of the urethra and genital organs. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and helps considerably in disturbances of the liver and of the spleen. The water content of parsley is in excess of 85% but the fibers are so tough that it requires a very thorough trituration and a sufficient amount of hydraulic pressure to extract all the vitamins and mineral elements with the juice. Parsley is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. In salads it should be ground up very fine and can be used to the extent of one to two teaspoons per serving, not merely to decorate it. When eating meat, raw parsley should be eaten at the same time, because of its diuretic action, in order to stimulate the elimination of the excessive uric acid resulting from the digestion of meat.

Peaches are diuretic, depurative and detoxifying so they are wonderful to eat on a weight – loss program.

Pumpkins contain about 90% water with a comparatively low percentage of carbohydrates. While rich in sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron, they are rich also in chlorine and phosphorus. They have laxative qualities and their diuretic properties do not irritate the kidneys. Raw pumpkin is delicious when very finely grated and served in combination with finely grated carrots, beets, etc., as a base for salads. To cook pumpkins destroys their valuable water content, reducing it to about 15% and increases the carbohydrate content to more than 50%, converting it from a sugar to a starchy carbohydrate.

Radishes These may be considered under the general classification of large and small radishes. The former contain a little more than 85% water, but 50% less mineral elements than the small, while the latter contain more than 93% water and are rich in potassium, sodium and calcium with a large percentage of chlorine. They are rich in phosphorus and sulphur while the large variety is particularly rich in silicon. Radishes contain a volatile ether which has a particular affinity for mucus or phlegm as a solvent thereof. They have also enzymes valuable in aiding the secretion of digestive juices. Because of their diuretic action they are valuable in cleansing the kidneys and the bladder. The juice of radishes blended with carrot juice is a wonderful aid in cleansing and in healing the mucous membrane of the digestive system as well as of the respiratory organs. The small radishes are used either whole or sliced to garnish salads, while the large radishes can be grated or shredded as an ingredients.

Oats contain silica – a natural diuretic.

Strawberries are a traditional diuretic and have an excellent effect on the kidneys.

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C that aid the metabolism and release of water from the kidney to flush out waste.

Watercress is a powerful blood cleanser and blood builder. It is a diuretic plant, is soothing to the lungs, and stimulates bile formation. Watercress is rich in chlorophyll, sulfur and calcium, and strengthens qi (vital life force) energy.


Benefits of Diuretics Foods:

  • Retention of water may occur because of the lack of B-vitamins, amino-acids and proteins in the diet or due to the unnecessary utilization of sugar and salt content. The condition caused due to water retention in the body tissues is known as Edema. To avoid this condition there is need to take Natural Diuretic Foods that assist flush out the needless water from the body through urination.
  • Diuretic foods are cost-effective in comparison to other costly diuretic medications with their unlikable side effects.
  • Some diuretic foods increased metabolism. Besides it helps you shed redundant pounds as well.
  • Diuretic foods can purge body of toxins and free radicals e.g. apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the best natural diuretic obtained by crushed apples and excites digestion and kidney function.
  • To regulate digestion due to the high yarn and enzyme content, Natural diuretic foods are used.
  • Diuretic foods supply the elements that are crucial for the health of our heart, kidneys and liver in our bodies. For the well-being of a person Electrolytic balance is vital elements. Synthetic diuretics can deplete our bodies of essential elements such as potassium and sodium.
  • Diuretic foods are very useful to treat   high blood pressure condition, swelling, kidney stones and indigestion exclusive of the side effects.
  • When you start to take more diuretic foods naturally you devour less of the high-sodium and high-sugar processed foods. Because high fiber foods got from the diuretic foods list give bulk in your stomach helping control unhealthy cravings.

Side Effects of Diuretics:

  • Dehydration
  • Weight gain
  • Fluid retention (Fluid Retention)
  • Dizzy spells
  • Hypokalemia
  • Fainting

7 Replies to “Diuretic Fruits, Herbs and Vegetables : List of Natural Diuretic Foods for Weight Loss”

  1. Really informative post. I’m always looking for ways to rid my body of unnecessary water. For some reason, I don’t lose water eating garlic, brussel sprouts or cabbage – I get all puffy and bloated.

    1. Veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, onions, broccoli, and brussels sprouts are all ultra healthy, but they also create excess gas in our intestinal tract because they are air containing foods. . Reducing, or if necessary, avoiding these foods altogether can usually help to reduce gas and bloating. Thank you for stopping by~ we look forward to more of your visits and comments. Bliss, Peace and Love ❤


    1. Sure it’s a great idea to add some diuretic foods to your food regimen. However, there are times when too much of a good thing will give the opposite of the desired result. Balance is most important.

  3. Thank you for such an in-depth and informative list! It states that “Fennel has a high sodium content and is rich in potassium and iron.” Is this “high sodium content” something to be concerned about if one is on a no-salt diet?

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