Be Thankful

English: Think positive

For The Law of Attraction to really move in your life

Use the gift of gratitude! As you walk towards the things you want to attract, you should always recognize the larger thing that moves, creates and builds in your life. Let’s use the word Universe to describe this phenomena. Some call it God or Creator..

When we are thankful or grateful we are generating feelings of joy and bliss in the body which attracts more of whatever we are focusing on. It’s important to say thank you silently or out loud! There is so much to be thankful for! ~S. Dailey

“If you are positive and truthful, you are raising consciousness in all beings, You see good things for sure. If you treat others badly, you are lowering all consciousness . After some time there will be a karmic lesson to learn from this. Whatever we do comes back to us. Be mindful of your actions.

Some people do not understand the law of oneness because they think that there is some external power controlling them. This is certainly not true. We are the most powerful beings .We create our reality with our thoughts and words. We are so powerful that only because of our mental state the external world forms around us.

If we are positive, we attract positive events and places in our lives. When we are angry, we attract negative people and surroundings. These are clear signs of our divine nature.

Many people do not realise how powerful they are so they do not bother trying to change their circumstances. All they do is complain and get stuck deeper and deeper in their unwanted circumstances.

Yet if they could shift their focus for what is bad to what is positive in their environment, changes would take place gradually but for certain.” ~S. Rich

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