The Root Chakra

Today, I’m starting with the base of it all, the Root Chakra or Muladharain Sanskrit.

Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra serves as the solid foundation of our whole energy system. It links us to the physical world, it keeps us grounded. When it is balanced, it allows us to bring solidarity and support to those around us. It allows us to feel grounded, secure, empowered, centered, and have high self-esteem. In doing so, it gives us physical energy, controls our fears, and maintains our overall health. This chakra stores all our learned or inherited beliefs, our survival instincts, our feelings of security and primal urges.

Any physical activity helps us keep our Root Chakra open. If you’re a Yoga practitioner, Hatha Yoga and warrior poses that keep us firmly grounded and balanced are key to opening your Root Chakra. Any other ‘grounding’ type activity might help, for some it might be something as mundane as cooking or cleaning, for others, going outside and taking a walk.

If you’re feeling lost, alienated, lacking energy, insecure, or feel like you don’t have purpose, you’re root chakra might be out of balance. Physically, imbalance can be noted by lower back pain, anemia. depression, and immune system issues among other symptoms. An overly strong Root Chakra is noted if you are particularly egoistic, domineering, greedy, and/or overly judgmental.

Feeding Your Root Chakra


Finally, here are my positive Root Chakra-based affirmations for the day:

I have a right to express myself and manifest my dreams.

My body supports me fully to live a creative, happy, healthy, and optimal life.

I am a life enhancer.

My choices are all based on what I know to be right for me.

I trust in the process of my life to unfold for my highest good and greatest joy

I am grateful for the opportunities for growth I am offered every day.

People now support me in an easy and pleasurable way.

Life is good.

I now choose to have thoughts that add to my life, thoughts of love, compassion, harmony and peace.

I am also grateful for all the challenges that have taught me who I truly am.

I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now.

I am safe and secure at all times.

I am willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying life which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure.

I am responsible for the quality of my life.

I can have pleasure.

I am creating a healthy foundation on which creativity can flourish.


7 Replies to “The Root Chakra”

  1. Interesting, I believe that most of our functions rely on the way the body feels, and it is part of the universal law of attraction. ” The old saying you are what you eat.” Well is this case, you are what you think!

    C.Buchanan El

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