Time Management: A Proven Blueprint of An Absolute Winner!

where does the time go
where does the time go (Photo credit: cmcbrown)


Life is full of blissful opportunities that give us a fair chance to get better each and everyday. I know you may be saying ‘yeah right’. Just wait, I’m sure you’ll agree with me after you hear a little more. Trust me, its not the easiest task to get into a routine for most people, i get that. I know all about the challenges that come with having to choose to do what most of us want to do but most people want the structure and benefits of a routine only without doing the work on the front end.


There always has and will be a simple way to do almost everything. Now one key to getting into an assassin proof routine is to first INTEND IT! I’ll say it again, its easy to create a routine, but you have to do some prep work to put it together first. All routines start with a great idea! Its well known that all people have the same choices to improve themselves at any given time in life, but only if they want to of course.


In short, we are the only ones who are responsible for our actions. Obstructions will come and go along the way. The most amazing thing is that we have a choice to do better at anytime and that challenges will come as well. Just think about it, when these life altering situations come, we know we have another great reason to make a real change in our lives and for the better too.


Do you think time management will be hard? It will be whatever you make it. I know your schedule is in hyper overload mode plus there is so much going on in the midst of your life. Just hear me out now. Answer this for me: Do you get out of the best fussing and falling all over the place, wishing that you could do something else? Do you gulp down coffee and other stimulants its your last cup of water, only to find that you don’t have any energy in the end? And when you do feel energy, it feels more like an adrenaline rush before a race than real sustainable energy. Hey we have all been there or someone of us have at least.


Take a deep breath and know this, You don’t have to rush to do anything. Its time to take your time back and start living balanced and fruitfully. Do you often wish you could be more organized, only your brain isn’t doing what you had planned for it to do for you, when you need it to? If this is you some of the time, even if its only YOU once a month its time to make a change. Its time to take to the bridge, To move a mountain and master this thing!


You can do this time thing, contrary to what somebody may have told you.  Trust me when I say this… You Don’t have to like organization or schedules to get into the Art of Personal Time Management.  You just don’t. I know you’re probably thinking ‘why should I do anything that I’m not interested in?’ I hear you loud and clear! That’s some of the best logic but that’s not what we’re doing this for. It’s not about logic and comforting our ‘likes’. It’s about one thing and that’s all! YOU want something different. So you gotta change the game to make scoring possible, otherwise you may never get to the next step on your latter of accomplishments. Is it safe to say that you would enjoy a more efficient day? Alright now, let’s talk about how you can get there.


Planning has never been considered a fun thing to do, at least not for the majority of the world anyway. However I’m going to show you why planning is easier than you ever thought it was. Planning is fun, it can be if even it’s not now. Trust me on this,  once you see the benefits of a well thought out and executed plan you, that’s it! You will enjoy the fruits of your labor that much more. Once you have a list of what you want to do better or more efficiently, the next step is to get to work on how you’re going to complete this.


Allow me to give an example: For instance if you want to make a simple change like: get to work earlier, you have to plan a new routine to do it. I know you might be saying to yourself…’But why would I want to do that, get to work early?’. I know you may think I’m crazy by now but hear me out.


If getting to work early was one of your goals, say to yourself: That’s easy! Now measure the pro’s against the co’s to motivate you that much more! Benefits: The early employee gets all the good stuff. I know you’ve heard the phrase ‘the early bird gets the worm.’ If you’ve ever gotten to work early, you know the perks completely outweigh the negative feeling you may have had about going to work in the first place. Still don’t think I’m serious? Be honest now, could you use a few more hours on the job? I mean to make extra money and to get stuff done. Yes!? OK then here’s how you do it.


First you need to decide how early you want to get there. Also work out what you will actually do once you get to work to pass the time as well. Time is money so there is no reason to plan on the fly when you can plan in advance. The Art of Personal Time Management is all about moving step by step.


Plans are subject to changing. Its true, all plans you make can and will change in the future for whatever reason. You can have a plan A and B. And if the situation calls for it then whip out your trusty plan C. Whatever you do, you have to do something. So back to the example. You want to get to work early so you can get a running start on all your work. So here’s a way to sketch out your routine: Decide what to wear, pick it out and lay it out. What skills do you use at work? Now, what will boost or balance your skills for work..in advance? Make sure you plan to get enough sleep, maybe you want to get up within enough time to workout and then maybe eat before you start working or eat when you get to work. Most importantly you will absolutely want to leave your home early enough to get through traffic and into your office smoothly and safely.


As you visualize the potential of accomplishing this. Take a good guess on how much time it will take you to do it. Remember you can always revert to one of your secondary plans B or C, if you need to. But what exactly is a routine anyway? Let’s see it how it’s defined: Routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program. Other ways to describe what a routine is: regular – ordinary – usual – customary – everyday.

At first, it may seem boring and uneventful to get into a routine. But trust me it’s just the opposite of that. It takes great determination to get to the next level in life. And your routine is one way to revolutionize your efforts to getting things done thus getting to the top of your game faster than ever before!


One last tip i want to mention about routines is that your brain is ONLY needed to process why, how to do something and how long it will take to get to get to the next level in your life or project. See once you start your routine and after you allow your brain to do its processing work you can safely ignore it while you’re following your already ‘well thought out’ time management system. Don’t get caught up in the details. Move on swiftly to finishing exactly what you started.


The problem that most people run into when they re-think decisions they have already made and entertain the thought to do something different from their original agenda. We all know our brain is just a tool to process information and carry out micro detailed super-duper important bodily processes.


The problem with thinking about the already- well- thought- out- plan is stopping what one had started. If you stop a routine you may just fall back to the point you started from. So don’t stop without a damn good reason, in fact don’t stop at all..just pause if you need to for a day or so. Planning is a life-long skill that you will always benefit from! Don’t let your dreams fall through the cracks just because the body or brain doesn’t want to complete or do something we want it to do. You Don’t have to follow your thoughts, EVER.


If we want the ultimate success for us, we have to follow through no matter what it takes to get there! Let me ask you one more question…You trust yourself don’t you? I know you said yes, so I’ll say this: If you trust yourself then trust your freakin decisions and respect them to the utmost. Be steadfast! You deserve the best! So give love to yourself by staying focused. If you want it all, you have to give it your all. Bliss and balance to you. What are some struggles you’ve had while trying to stay on your routine, time management game? Please share your thoughts and experiences. Thank you, now go forth and get it done already 🙂

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