What Is A Vision Board?


Vision Boards Are Awesome!


A vision board is a pictorial (visual) representation of your goals and aspirations. Vision boards are easy to make! There are many ways to make a vision board. Some people create a virtual vision board on their cell phones. Some people make a vision board on their computer. The idea of a visual board is to collage words and visual items that will stimulate you in a positive way. This special board is also a way for one to remember what their goals and aspirations are. When a person looks at their vision board they are energizing all they desire in their life.

The Law of Attraction and this visual tool work together very well. The way The Law of Attraction works is: What you focus on the most with the most passion and intention will manifest in your life. Basically it is ‘Like Attracts Like‘ .

After i saw the concept of this board. I made one myself. The idea of visual stimulation with a snapshot of what i wanted to see in my life instantly made sense! Anyway, Here is how you can make your own! The beautiful thing is it takes only a few materials to construct your very own board:



1. Foam board or Poster board

2. Scissors

3. Magazine clippings or Photographs

4. Glue or Tape

5. Markers



How To Make A Vision Board:

1. Feel good! No need to create a vision board if you are not joyful about life and the process of creating more of it in your life. I listen to music, dance, sing, meditate or call friends over so we can make it a party and work on our boards together.


2. Choose images from the computer, internet, magazines or digital camera.


3. Write your goals on paper first. I find this to be the easiest way to decide what you want to manifest. This list of goals will help you with choosing photos and words for your vision board.


4. Search for photos and words or sentences that match the goals on your list. Search for photos where ever you prefer. Tip: Choose photos that make you feel warm, joyful, fulfilled when you look at them.


5. Take the photos you have collected and begin to add a small amount of tape or glue to the backs of the photos if you chose magazine clippings (my favorite) or random old photos or printed pictures off of your computer or the internet.


6. Paste the photos on the board one by one or two by two. Write energizing, action oriented words to the board with your marker if you need to. Then, add the printed words and sentences you found on the side, top or on the bottom of the photo clippings that are now pasted on your board. There is no wrong way to create your vision board. Be creative. But get it done!


7. Put your vision board in your bed room, or anywhere in your living space where you will spend a lot of time. Stand in front of and smile when you want to. Look at your board and imagine your life with all that you want in it. See the visual of having your desired goals in the present tense ‘NOW’ enjoy it. Savor the sights. Repeat several times a day and throughout the month.


6 Replies to “What Is A Vision Board?”

  1. The process of manifesting for each of us depends upon where we are spiritually first. If one is at the bottom, as I was once, manifesting requires a person to change their energy to positive by thinking and speaking in only positive terms, by having only positive intentions, by keeping their emotional state happy and joyful, by taking only positive actions and by having the beliefs that accommodate what a person is trying to manifest. If you are already happy, already abundant. already positive in every way and already have the necessary beliefs, then manifesting happens automatically and it doesn’t depend on what you focus on. It is completely dependent on what kind of energy you have. When your energy is completely positive, then nothing more than a passing thought will manifest your reality instantly. I really wish that all you experts would stop promoting the wrong ideas.

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